St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P4b weekly plan 20.01.23


Well done P4 for all of your hard work this week.  We’ve enjoyed the frosty weather and lots of us have liked making ice mountains and snowmen during our breaks.

This week, we’ve been working really hard to plan our narratives.  We analysed examples of narratives and worked hard to identify the structure and features of a successful narrative.  We worked in small groups to think of possible story plots, based on some creative picture prompts, creating an orientation, a complication and a resolution.  We completed a plan and a storyboard for our own narratives and some of us have started writing our orientation.  We have to include lots of descriptive vocabulary and sequence our ideas.  Next week, we will be writing up our full narratives.

In maths, we learnt our 9 times tables and we also learnt how to multiply numbers by 10.  We have to move our digits one place to the left and add a ‘superhero zero’ place holder into the ones column.

Our highlights:

Daniel M, Szymon and Jonah: We enjoyed playing basketball in PE and improving our hand to eye coordination.

Ishani M: I enjoyed writing the blog because it is fun.

Ashley: I enjoyed building a snowman at break and lunch times.

Mariam: I loved doing the narrative because I wrote about a crayon going into a clock and then going back in time.

Well done to Ashley who is our hot chocolate winner this week.

Here is our termly plan, showing what we are learning about this term: Forward Plan overview T3 23

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Brown

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