Dear Readers,
we hope you are all very well.
This week’s highlights were the following:
- Continuing the work on column addition, now carrying to the tens and hundreds for most of us. We have really been enjoying it!
- Reading comprehension about an excert of George and the Marvellous Medicine. We are trying to get better at answering with full sentences since we used to doing it the easiest possible way!
- Our Art lesson when we have designed our own super creative bottles for George’s Marvellous Medicine with pastels. What a beautiful display we have created!
- Reconciliation/RE lesson on how God has given us free will to choose between what is rights and wrong. Although He guides us and has taught us to make good choices, in the end it is up to us to do it or not. To ask for God’s help we have created our Class Prayer that we are going to start saying every day in the morning. Let’s hope it will inspire us all to always be respectful, kind and caring.
- The work on spelling is weekly and so is our famous Weekly Spelling Assessment every Friday. We absolutely love it!
- Many Congratulations to our Hot Chocolate of the Week, David, who has been trying really hard to improve his listening skills and to be respectful at all times! Well done, David!
- We are also very proud of our new Kindness Champions! Every kindness note is evidence of how kind and thoughtful we are and of how much we enjoy and feel proud to be like that!
Well done Ollie, our 1st Kindness Champion, with 10 kindness notes!
Well done also to John who is our 2nd Kindness Champion with 6 kindness notes!
Well done to Pola, our 3rd Kindness Champion with 4 kindness notes! Wow!
We hope you have enjoyed reading our post and say goodbye for now wishing you all a lovely weekend!
P3A and Mrs Valente