St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P7B Learning Highlights Week Beginning 14.11.22


Pupil Highlights:

Liam: On Wednesday we were able to read books to our primary one buddies.

Amelia: Today the leading readers were asked to hand out reading champion medals to someone in each class.

Alex: We got extra literacy HW from Miss Smith so that we can be ready for high school.

Tanya: We were revising the column method for subtraction and addition. Miss Smith showed us how to use the number line for complex subtraction calculations.

Rupert: To use the number line for subtraction, you would place the largest number at the end of the number line, this is the destination we need to get to. You then place the smallest number at the start of the number line. To help get to our destination, you have to estimate where the half way point is.  Then, make your smallest number easier to deal with. You may have to round this number to the nearest ten, hundred, or thousand and so on.

Keep the number easier by adding appropriate jumps in order to reach the destination number.

Then, you add up all the numbers ( your jumps) you used to make the number easier to get to.

Advay: Some of us got to take part in Drama where we hade to create a scene to show bullying.

Rupert: Myself, Connor and Alex were asked to help the primary fives plant trees.

Congratulations to hot chocolate winner this week – Hanna.  You have worked so hard at being responsible in your learning, challenging yourself and communicating to your teacher when you have not understood a task.

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