St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P7B Learning Highlights Week Beginning 24.10.22


Forward Plan Overview Term 2 P7

Pupil Highlights:

Alex: We were revising how to multiply a number by 10,100 and 1000. The numbers move to the left. It depends on how much you are multiplying the number. If it is 10, the numbers move once in their place to the left. If you multiply by 100, the numbers move along two places.

‘Every number has a place and every place has a value’ thank you Mr Pentland for this useful place value phrase.

Rupert: We have been collecting our words of the day and encountered vocab.

Kieran: When we are given our word of the day, we use the ipads and go on word hippo or nifty word and search the meaning of the word.

Debbie: We have to identify the number of syllables, the word class, synonyms, antonyms , prefix and suffix.

Hanna: We also have to provide an example sentence to show how the word can be used.

Caiden: Our words in context this week have been :

‘The library has a diversity of books.’

‘The Clyde Side had a diversity of boats.’

‘The police man deprived the prisoner of their phone.’

Rebecca: ‘ I am sleep deprived.’

Hannah: We went into working groups with primary six to learn and test each other on maths vocabulary.

Rupert: We had to ascertain the definitions of maths vocabulary.

Liam: The two maths skills we have put in our How to Maths Diary are:

How to plot  missing numbers on a number line with intervals.

How to plot missing numbers on number line without intervals.

Hot Chocolate Winner This Week: Congratulations to Monique for all her hard work and being such a helpful member of the class.

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