St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P3A – WB 28.10.22


Dear Readers,

We hope you have had a great week.

As Term 1 has finished, we had to say goodbye to our much well loved topic of the Vikings and were all very sorry for that! So sorry that the class have asked to watch Vicky the Viking for story time, which is very much fun and continues to teach us many things about them.

Next week we will hopefully introduce our new topic, which will not be spoiled now but will hopefully be very interesting and fun.

The highlights this week were:

  • Spelling wordsearch and different spelling activities.
  • Working more and more on telling the time to become true experts! Some of our boys and girls can even read the time shown in the class’ clock, to the minute!
  • Going to the Woodlands, for the first time in Primary 3, to read and listen to Halloween poems.
  • Weekly spelling assessment.
  • Reconciliation lesson during which we have discussed how we all belong to a Family, Class, School, Parish, Community and how we are loved within those groups to which we belong.😊
  • Learning about the importance of the UN Convention of the rights of the Child and start working towards helping the school being awarded the Gold medal recognition for being an excellent Rights Respecting School. As always, in Primary 3A we believe that: Team work makes the dream work!😃👍

We would now like to congratulate our new Hot Chocolate of the week, John!🥇Well done, John!👍😃

And to our new Kindness Champions, Ollie, Zosia and Aiden, many congratulations as well! We are very proud of you🥇🥈🥉🥳! The total of kindness notes, awarded to pupils when they are caught being good and never when they say they have been good, was 41! Super kind class!

We hope you have enjoyed reading this and wish you a very pleasant weekend!

Mrs Valente and P3A❤

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