St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 3B – Week Beginning 21/09/22


We have had a short, but busy week in Primary 3B!

This week, children have enjoyed playing Banana Tig and learning basketball skills during P.E. In art, we made our own sketches of The Queen, with Paddington Bear and her Corgi.

In Numeracy, we have been counting backwards and forwards in twos and tens; and in Maths we have been reading, writing and showing the time by drawing hands on the clocks.

Children particular enjoyed our house activities this week, which focused on bullying.

During Music, the children have been learning notes with Mrs Morrison and were very enthusiastic!

Furthermore, within our Vikings topic we have researched runes (the alphabet). Children wrote their names in runes and also used these to illustrate Viking shields. Children also engaged in map work, by colouring and labelling the countries to show Viking Settlements and Homelands

As part of our work in Spanish, we revised greetings and responses to how are you and added and you? (Como estas? y tu?).

This week our star tables were Table Uno (1) and Table Cuatro (4), both earning 11 marballs each! Well done!

Finally, I would like to congratulate Kacper this week on winning The Hot Chocolate Award! Kacper always gives his best and displays wonderful manners!

Mrs Broadley x


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