St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P7A Weekly Highlights


Dear Parents,

A busy week of learning and P7A are now well and truly back into the swing of things.

We continue to read our class novel ‘Millions and this week used Chapter 4 to complete a comprehension task in Literacy.

For writing we are working on information texts and have begun writing a piece about Rattlesnakes which we will complete next week before we then use the netbooks to edit and redraft them to have a fully complete piece of writing.

In Numeracy and Maths we have been working on Word Problems involving Number and Time. Homework is to spend 20-30 minutes using IXL to complete the Diagnostic Assessment and targeted outcomes which this week were on Place Value.

In HWB we used a fantastic new resource we have available in the school called Treehouse. The Subject was Buddy or Bully and it generated a lot of good discussion and offered strategies for coping with bullying and how to see how much we all have in common.

In outdoor learning we worked on tidying up the woodland area, clearing a path at the top of the woods so the infants have better access and cutting back a Holly bush which has been getting out of control. We had a shot of using different gardening tools, under supervision, and have made great progress at enhancing the woodland area.

Our Scotland through the decades topic focussed on the 1940s and we expanded our notes and will use them next week to create PowerPoints that we can present to the class.

On Friday we used apples from Mrs Meikle’s garden to make apple crumble which most of us really enjoyed though it wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea.

Only one quote this week as we were too busy eating apple crumble:

Tanvi said, “I loved when we did drama because it was fun.”

Our Hot Chocolate Winner last week was Lily who has been our Lead Learner this week, and who has taken our photos of lessons.

This week’s Hot Chocolate at Home winner, and new Lead Learner is…..

Declan! Well done on being a great example of someone who is always ready, respectful and Safe.

Forward Plan overview Term 1 p7 (1)

Here are some of the highlights which P7 will be covering in the term ahead.

Have a Great Weekend,

Mr McGurn and P7A.



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