St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 3B – Week Beginning 22.08.22

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We have completed our first full week together as Primary 3B!

This week we used a variety of media to create ‘ourselves’ which will serve as part of our school values display. The children were able to use wool, felt, and other sensory resources to create their person. Children engaged in more art this week by making their ‘name bee’. This will include their photograph and will be displayed on our classroom door, to ensure that everyone knows who we are!

During P.E we explored different ways of moving our bodies.

In Spanish, we have been practising our greetings ‘los saludos’. We learned ‘Como estas’ and various responses, such as; bien, muy bien, mal, mas o menos and super bien!

As part of Religious Education we learned and studied ‘The Lord’s Prayer’. The children listened to a song and consolidated their learning by completing a comprehension.

During Maths, we enjoyed participating in games involving addition.

We worked together as a class to produce a set of ‘Class Rules’. These were underpinned by our school rules ‘Ready, Respectful and Safe’.

As part of our work on Right Respecting Schools we discussed our rights as children. We focused on ‘Needs and Wants’ and what is required for us to lead healthy, safe and happy lives.

We enjoyed ‘Free Write Friday’ and tried to expand our vocabulary by including some of this weeks boost words; vast, popular, mumble, repeat, occasion and local.

Well Done to Olek, who is our first Hot Chocolate Award Winner!

Well Done to table ‘Uno’ (1) for being our star table this week and winning 19 class pebbles!

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Broadley x

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