St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2A Week Beginning 23rd May 2022


Hello P2A families!

Here are the learning highlights of the week from the Yellow and Blue Table:

Ollie enjoyed handwriting with Mrs Ogunro this week.  We have only one more pattern to complete and then we have finished our P2 handwriting joins!  Very exciting!

Paige loved when we used balloons as part of our ‘oy’ phonics lesson.  Our partner called out an ‘oy’ word that the class composed and wrote on the big white board and we had to sound it out.  When we came to ‘oy’, we had to throw the balloon in the air.  We discovered that we were throwing the balloon mostly at the end of words.

Kyle liked working with a partner to build an array for our ‘Array City’ that then went onto our Maths Working Wall.  Unfortunately, not all of the buildings could fit but the children worked very well carefully placing the ‘windows’ in an organised way to represent the given Times Table.  Kyle and his partner built ‘2×6’.

Eva said the best part of her week was the ‘Ascension Thursday’ service with Fr Simon.  We were delighted to be able to join some other classes in the Hall for the first time in a long time.

Ruari liked PE with Mrs Lafferty.

Pola really loved using the Beebots and making them travel forwards, backwards, left and right’.  The children rotated around 5 different Beebot mats.  Pola’s favourite was the ‘Racing Track’ mat.

Aiden G’s highlight was playing with an app on the class ipad that allowed him to superimpose a picture of his and his friend’s head on a body.

Rebekah shares my highlight too, were the children had to work in pairs to find the missing numbers on a jigsaw piece of a 100 square using the given numbers as clues.  The jigsaw pieces had to then be slotted together to form a big 100 square.  There was a yellow 100 square to be made up and a pink one.  Rebekah was part of the pink one.  Super teamwork everyone!

Congratulations to Zosia, our Hot Chocolate Award winner this week.


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