St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 1A Learning Highlights 22nd April 2022


It has been a very busy and exciting start to our last term of Primary One.  We have been practising our common words and writing words using all the sounds we know.  We wrote a sentence to tell Miss Stebbing which book she should read and most people chose the Three Little Pigs.  For our Word Boost book we read The Smartest Giant in Town and we have heard our boost words lots of times this week.


In maths we are learning to count in 5s and we listened to a song to help us with this.  It is quite fast but we are getting better each day.  We have been doing lots of different addition sums this week and we are trying to remember to count on from the biggest number.


On Thursday a Friendly Dragon visited our classroom and left us a scroll!  It was asking us for help to rebuild Fairyland as it had disappeared because people are not reading enough fairy tales and believing in them.  We wrote letters back to the dragon to say we would love to help.  We have also been looking for the dragon and lots of us thought we saw it in the playground at lunchtime.  We think it might be watching us from up in the Woodland. When we came in on Friday the letters were not in the post box and there was another scroll, a pot, magic soil and magic seeds!  The dragon told us that it was so happy when it was reading our letters that little bits of fire had come out of its mouth and it had burned them. He then asked us to plant the magic seeds and make some leaves for Jack’s beanstalk. We are wondering what is going to grow in the pot!


Here are some of our personal highlights from this week:

Caleb – I liked playing with the lego.

Ollie – I liked playing with my friends.

Jiade – I liked playing in the cinema.

Jack – I liked playing with the marble run.

Rory – I liked playing with the cinema.

Diana – I liked playing at outdoor learning.

Laura – I liked playing with everything.

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