St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P7a Weekly Update


Dear Parents,

This week’s learning was really enjoyable though the Ipad has been getting updated so we’ve no photos unfortunately.

Mrs Amatler visited again on Monday, delivering a lesson which will help us with Reciporcal Reading lessons we will be starting next term.

We have continued with our class novel ‘The Explorer’ and have been reading about the children eating tarantulas to survive! Apparently they taste a bit like chicken.

In writing we have been continuing with Exposition and this week tried to persuade people that there shouldn’t be school uniform.

We took drama outside this week because the weather was so nice and did the same for Fun Friday.

Outdoor Learning was a very popular lesson where we had bread on a stick at the firepit. We rolled dough and wrapped it around long stick we found in the woodlands before cooking it over the fire and then enjoying (or not) eating it. Sorry for all the smoky uniforms sent home on Thursday!

Friday’s maths was problem solving using a new resource and we had to solve a murder mystery using 12 and 24h times to track peoples locations and figure out who the murder was.

Mya was this week’s Hot Chocolate at home winner and Caoimhe is our new Reading Champion.

Next week is the final week before the Easter holidays and we have lots and lots of learning planned.

Enjoy your weekend,

Mr McGurn and P7a.


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