Dear Readers,
This week we followed our normal routine and started with our new spelling words. We have worked a lot on them troughout the week to make sure we become absolute stars at spelling!
Our Reading Comprehension was very interesting and reminded us of how important it is to always look after our pets and never to stop loving them.
Our goal in writing is trying to add more detail to our stories to make them even more interesting.
We all did very well while reading our new books and answering questions about them, which made Mrs Valente very proud!
We finished the week with our weekly spelling assessment and hope to have really good scores.
In Maths, we have worked hard on counting in 2, 5, and 10 as quickly as possible. We have also learned everything about arrays and how to write a number sentence to describe an array. We ended up the week understanding even better timestables and revised the 2 timestable.
Our new Topic is West Lothian and we have started it by learning about our place in the world. It was very interesting to learn that we are in Livingston, which is in Scotland, a nation of the United Kingdom, a country in Europe and one of the continents of Planet Earth…
We celebrated Robert Burns with the traditional Irn-Bru and shortbread and have learned all about his life. In Music, we have learned a Scottish traditional song which is simply amazing: Katie Beardie!
We hope you have enjoyed reading about some of the highlights of our week and wish you a wonderful weekend!
P3A and Mrs Valente