Hello P2A families!
This has been our first full week back. The children have settled back in well. I believe they all grew over the holidays!
Here are the learning highlights of the week from the Green Table:
Ben has enjoyed our lessons on capacity this week. We learned that liquids are measured using millilitres (mls for short). We predicted the capacity of 3 different sized containers, then filled them using a 1litre measuring jug and then compared our answers. Thank you to my 3 water helpers today: Izaan, Ruari and Chijiakwu. The children are looking forward to their maths homework next week were they will get a chance to consolidate this learning at home.
Isabel loved hearing that after we finish our new topic, Livingston, that the following topic will be pupil choice! All the children in P2 presented their ideas and then voted. The winning choice was ‘Space’. In 2nd place was ‘Under the Sea’ and the children were happy to hear that this learning will take place during Science.
Nathan said his favourite part of this week was playing ‘Trucks and Trailers’ at PE with Mrs Lafferty.
Kayla liked music with Mrs Morrison who taught the children this week about Scottish traditional instruments. They were excited to hear that soon they will listen to Scottish pop artists, one that grew up in West Lothian, Lewis Capaldi! I believe he already has a big fan base in P2A!
Emily liked story writing, were we wrote about our house. We tried to use adjectives to describe: colour, size, texture, shape and the number of different things inside and outside of our house. Emily wrote about the number on her door and the colour of her house.
Babafola said his favourite part of the week was using rekenreks during maths lessons that supported us to find answers to subtraction calculations. He is looking forward to next week when we will learn to use the correct layout in squared jotters and use a ruler for excellent presentation.
My highlight was our lesson about the Holy Family (Mary, Jesus and Joseph) and through discussion, we learned that their lives were very similar to ours! The children were amazed to hear that the Holy Family did not have electricity, running water or wifi!
Well done to Rebekah for received the Hot Chocolate Friday Award.
Hope you all have a great weekend!
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