This week we have been working hard to decorate our windows with our chosen Christmas theme. Our windows are the scene from “Twas The Night Before Christmas” It has been great fun cutting, sticking, colouring, painting and making a mess and tidying it up afterwards! Liliana says “it was super fun making Santa for our window”
Farrah enjoyed describing our robots using adjectives and nouns to describe the characteristics of the robot.
Emily liked learning colours in Spanish and coloured in paint splats for homework!
“In spelling, we were learning about soft g and hard g” by Francesca
“we were using our addition and subtraction to play maths games” by Vijval
“It has been exciting to begin opening our advent calendars in class and count down to Christmas” by Aarya
Jacob is really enjoying our handwriting and says “he is getting really good at it”
Next week – we are really looking forward to PJ day