St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P3B Our Week in School


Now that we have settled back into school, we are working really hard on our listening skills and showing that we are making the most of our learning time.

Eoghan is really enjoying our cursive handwriting and feels his writing is improving every week!  We are now learning the join from the letter ‘o’ and can practice writing our ‘oa’ and ‘ow’ sounds.

Olivia liked our RE this week.  We heard the story of Genesis and learned about God’s creations.  We drew pictures of our own choice of God’s creation for our display.  Aurora enjoyed making sheep using cheerios to make a model of the Lost Sheep.

Jude has really liked learning to count in fours.  This is the start of us learning the four times tables and we are now using arrays to show what the four times tables looks like.

For our wellbeing Wednesday we met Edison who is a problem solver.  We talked about different ways to solve problems and have set up an advice centre in our classroom.  Niko really likes our wellbeing Wednesdays and is learning lots of new strategies.

This week we also began our Recognition Stars Window.  In order to get our name on it we need to show we are following the school rules of Ready, Respectful and Safe.  If we are ‘over and above’ and spotted by an adult then we get our name written on the window for everyone to see.  We have all tried really hard this week to get our name on the window and are going to try even harder next week!

We can’t wait to share more news with you next Friday!



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