What a very busy week! As we have continued practising our times tables. Most of us have improved our scores and/or moved up levels in Beat That and CLIC over the past few weeks. We are able to apply our maths knowledge to solve word problems and find out the times of buses and trains. Our spelling and grammar continues to improve because we have worked so hard. During Wellbeing Wednesdays we have been looking for ideas to help us think about and self esteem by building routines, sleeping well, finding calm spaces to think, everything is going to be ok, peace comes from within and we should be proud of ourselves.
We have been trying to be respectful this week thinking about ‘treating others as we wish to be treated’. We had two fantastic lead learners (voted for by their peers) they set a great example to everyone and have been positive praising others in the class. However we still need to remind some of the children not play rough games or say unkind things. We want everyone to treat others respectfully and safely.
We have two new lead learners for next week also voted for by their peers. Today most of P4b were able to post their class work onto their personal learning blogs. Those who ran out of time will be given time to post their work on Monday.
Highlights of the week ; Creating our founder portraits, the first potions lesson. Working as a group to create the first paragraph of a story about our founder and using our imagination to see inside the Mirror of Erised. We are outside again for PE and Mrs Lafferty is teaching us outdoor games. During our Religious lessons we have been talking about good choices and bad choices and saying sorry.
Hope everyone has a lovely weekend.
Children can now bring in indoor shoes to wear which will be kept in the classroom.