St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P3B Learning this Week


What a week!  We have just finished our assembly performance for the P1-P3 classes and we taught them about Respect.  We had loads of fun and told them the story of Mr Rude and how important it is to have manners.

Our other news this week – Fatima M really enjoyed playing number board games with her friends and James especially enjoyed learning what was in our Read, Write, Count bags.  Everyone loves the tape measure and we have been measuring everything in our classroom – including Mrs Callaghan!  We are taking our bags home today and cannot wait to show our adults the books.

We made fact posters about Owls and used our drawing skills and what we have learned about owls to put facts on the poster.

Jude and Olivia really enjoy watching Newsround every day with our snack and milk.  Jude likes learning facts about our world and Olivia likes that it gives you information about the world and that you learn about animals that you don’t know.

Next week, we will have lots of fun and are looking forward to meeting the next bird on our wellbeing Wednesday journey (we think it might be a penguin!).





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