St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2/1 Week Beginning 7.9.20


P2/1 have had another week full of learning experiences.  Here are some of the highlights your children have enjoyed:

Szymon liked learning about the brain this week as part of our learning about the body.  We found out that messages travel through nerves in our body the whole way to our brain.  The message travel very very fast.  We pretended to be nerves as we made a human chain.  After several attempts, we got the message to travel to the “brain” in 7 seconds!  Now that was teamwork in action!

Stefi enjoyed receiving a new jotter in maths that help us with our addition learning.

Millie has also shared that learning about the brain was her favourite part of the week too!  She liked it when we closed our eyes and our friend tickled a part of our skin with a feather.  Our brain made sense of that feeling and was able to tell us where on our body we felt the tickle.  It was a lot of fun!  Lots of giggling but lots of brains working hard!

Ismaeel liked using the teacher’s pointer during ‘Choosing  Time’ to go around and point to different things on the walls such as numbers on the 100 Number Square or letters on our Colourful Consonants display.  A teacher in the making perhaps!

Mrs Devlin’s highlight this week was today when we had ‘Free Writing Friday’ and read our fantastic stories out on our special Author’s Chair.  The children came in this morning to a chair decorated with red tinsel.  This generated much discussion.  Some thought it may be Santa’s chair!  The children got very excited to hear all about the purpose of the chair and many children volunteered to read their story out on it.  We hope for Mrs Devlin to add some fairy lights to the legs of the chair too!

I am experiencing problems uploading photos just now.  When the problem gets fixed I will back date with photos.

Hope you have a lovely weekend and are enjoying our Virtual Classroom!  Remember to check it out weekly for updates and homework will be posted there too.

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