Good morning everyone ! This is the last day before our Easter holidays which starts this afternoon so I have prepared some fun tasks for you to do.
Art I would like you to design a 3D pop up card for your family. I have provided a clip which gives clear instructions.
Health and Well being During this period of uncertainty, it is important to be kind to yourselves and your family. I would like you to design a ” Kindness Poster”demonstrating how you are going to be kind over the Easter Holidays. It could be a picture of you helping to look after your little brother or sister or helping to cook dinner.
Literacy Write down words that begin with ” ex” in the table provided. Then replace the beginning of the word with ” eggs.”
For example explorer — eggsplorer
explode — eggsplode
Use the dictionary to help you spell the original words. when you have written your words in the table please illustrate them with drawings. Have a super morning and stay safe during the Easter holidays.
Mrs Lea