St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P6A Learning Highlights wb 24.2.2020


What a busy week we have had in P6a this week!

Curriculum Areas and Subjects:  In Numeracy and Maths we have investigated the formula for calculating the area of shapes and we have developed our understanding of adding decimals.  We were “Decimal Detectives”, making sure that our elbow partners had put the decimal points into the right places.  In Literacy, we took part in an activity where we had to punctuate the alphabet to show the difference that punctuation makes when you read aloud (see photos at the bottom!)

Interdisciplinary Learning:  we continued to learn a bit more about the human body and also about the SHANARRI indicators for wellbeing (Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and Included).

Ethos and Life of the School:  On Monday we begin looking at the cost of the school day for families and identifying things that cost money.  We are going to plan a project to help with this and began our work this week.

Opportunities for Personal Achievement:  Well done to Keedie who brought medals to show the class.  Temi attended Milkshake Monday for showing ready, respectful and safe.  We managed to fill up our Class Recognition Board this week as Mrs Egan caught everyone being ready, respectful and safe at different points during the week.  Well done!

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