St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P1B Post

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Week Beginning 17.2.20

P1B highlights:

DaisyDee – “When my name went on the ‘Over and Above’ board.”  As part of celebrating the children’s ready, respectful and safe behaviour, we now have in our classroom an ‘Over and Above’ board where the children will write their names if any adults in the school notice behaviour that is over and above.  The board will get cleared each day ready for a new start.

Markuss – “ERIC time.”  Now that the children are making headway with blending letters together to read words, we have introduced a 10 minute ERIC (Everyone Reading Together in Class) time each day straight after lunch.  The children are free to lie down with a book, teddy and pillow anywhere in the room and enjoy a book from our class library.  We have a lovely, cosy fire flickering on the smartboard too.  Also, if everyone manages to read quietly and not disturb anyone reading then we all get a house point!

Maeve – “Painting a Fairtrade logo.”  These next 2 weeks we are celebrating ‘Fairtrade Fortnight’.  The children made a paper plate logo with the choice of paint, collage, felt tip pens or crayons.  Look out for the optional Fairtrade homework that will be sent home in your child’s homework bag.

Layla – “Playing with the new Fun Friday toys.”  On Fridays as you know, the children in P1B have a 20 minute slot to enjoy some extra fun and are welcome to bring a toy from home.  The children were very excited to see the new toys they are also welcome to play with.  The 2 weekly classroom helpers have the important role of putting the toys out and putting them away behind the curtain but everyone helps during tidy up time to put them back in the boxes.

Mrs Devlin’s highlight – The highlight of my week was when we went to the woods for our outdoor learning. Watching the children stand with their mouths open catching the snow and feeling the sensation of it on their skin was lovely to see.  During this time when the sky was overcast and grey, suddenly the sun came out and sunlight flooded the woodland making it look like a magical Winter Wonderland.  Please remember to send your child dressed for the outdoors on outdoor learning days (see diary) including hat, scarf and gloves for this colder, wetter season.  Thank you.

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