St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P3B Learning Highlights Week Beginning 27th January


Over the last few weeks we have been learning about the SHANARRI Wellbeing Indicators. We learned about ways that we can be Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and Included. This week we have made SHANARRI Characters. They had special skills that help look after our wellbeing.

In Maths, we learned about rounding to the nearest 10. We played lots of games to practice this. Our favourite was “Around the World” as it was a challenge. We have continued to practice our times tables too.

As part of literacy this week we learned about alliteration and wrote sentences in Scots using alliteration. We drew pictures of these sentences. We also  learned about Robert Burns and answered questions about him in our groups.

For Spanish this week we learned how to say different body parts and began to learn “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” in Spanish which is “cabeza, hombros, rodillas y dos pies”.

During PE on Thursday we were doing our balances with our learning partners.  On Tuesday we played with the bats and tennis balls. We had to make sure they didn’t hit the ground.

We learned about Chinese New Year and made dragon masks.


Our Learning Highlights:

“I learned about Chinese New Year. That there are loads of celebrations.” – Declan

“I enjoyed colouring the dragon masks for Chinese New Year” – Sophia

“I enjoyed designing my SHANARRI character and making the words for the wall” – Rabail

“I liked when we were doing the counter balances during PE. You had to lean.” – Aeryn

“We got to make up a balance and me and Jayden made one where I was doing a crab and Jayden went over me. I enjoyed it” – Amelia

“We did a maths quiz with adding and times tables. “ – Reece

“We did Scots writing about an animal and had to use adjectives and verbs and then when we were done writing we had to draw a picture and colour it in. It was funny” – Sophie-Leigh

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