St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P1B Post


Week Beginning 20.1.20

P1B highlights:

Layla – “Doing highland dancing was my favourite.”  As part of our celebrations of Burns Day, the children were watching highland games on the Smartboard and also some people doing highland dancing.  They had good fun joining in.  Other Burns Day fun involved designing tartan umbrellas (for our ‘u’ phonic sound) and performing ‘Ally Bally Bee’ at assembly today.  The link is as follows in case your child wants to perform it for you at home:

Zac – “I liked making our own clubs.”  This week the children have been learning what it means to feel ‘Included’.  We listened to a story called, ‘Strictly No Elephants!’ about a child and their pet who did not feel very welcome at a club.  We decided to make Welcome posters for our classroom door so that everyone who comes in to our room feels included.  We also created our own made up clubs during story writing and decided the name, when and where it was going to be.  The clubs ranged from ‘The Mermaid Club’ to ‘The Teddy Club’!

Paige – “I liked the shapes in the woods.”  P1B have been learning to recognise and make 2D shapes this week.  We searched for them naturally in the woods.  We discovered there were many circles there!

Maeve and Mrs Devlin’s Highlight – “The Assembly.”  As mentioned in this post, the children performed Ally Bally Bee at the assembly today.  I was so proud of them!  This was also my highlight!

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