St. Columbas P.S. and Nursery




  1. Using the following story starters, try making up your own story to tell to your family or friends. You could draw pictures to help you tell your story. a) Yesterday my snowman came alive and he… b) If I was a polar bear I would… c) When I opened my eyes I was a fairy, sitting on top of the Christmas tree…

2.  Use your sound tiles to build the following words

beep deep hoop
hood food feed
needs soft
sick sack seek
hut hunt ten
tent hook  book
  1. Make your own puffy snowflake paintings!

a) Mix equal part salt and self raising flour and add a few drops of food colouring if you wish.

b) Now add enough water to make a pancake batter consistency. Pour your mixture into a squeezy bottle

c) Make squeezy pictures of snowflakes (or anything you like) on card

d) Place your picture in the microwave for 30 second on high.

e) Admire your puffy snow picture!

  1. Try making your own snowman out of old newspapers (much warmer than making one outdoors and you don’t need to wait for snow!)

5.  Practise writing the sounds you have learned. How many winter objects can you name beginning with the sound (e.g. s for snowman)?

  1. Try singing 5 Little Snowmen (to the tune of 5 little ducks):

Five little snowmen in the snow, 5 little snowmen in a row, Out came the sun who shone all day, Till one little snowman melted away… Four little snowmen in the snow etc.

  1. Choose a story to read together with someone.

  2. Help someone in the house

  3. Tidy your room and practise your counting at the same time. How many socks do you have? How many tshirts?



  1. Wrap up warm, go outside and build a snowman. Then, write an imaginative story about what adventure you and your snowman could go on.
  2. Have a go at making a snowflake out of paper.
  3. How many words can you think of that rhyme with snow?
  4. Go onto sumdog and practise your number skills. Have a go at writing some sums for someone in your family to complete.
  5. Build a den somewhere in your house, cosy up and read your favourite book to a teddy, or someone in your family.



  1. Can you build a snowman? Have lots of fun building a snowman, then think about how you could make this a character. Write a character description about your snowman, remember looks and personality.
  1. Use your senses (see, touch, taste, hear, smell and feel) to describe what it is like being outside in the snow.

3.Make a snowflake out of paper.

  1. Use this website to practice addition and subtraction.

  1. Read your reading book with someone at home. Do you have any winter stories? Have a read with someone at home.

  2. Watch a winter movie, write about how one of the characters might be feeling and why? Draw a picture of your favourite part.


Winter Ready Activities

DRAW – Draw a snow globe containing a creative landscape. Your picture should include a foreground, a middle ground and a background.

BUILD – Build the tallest tower possible out of ice cubes. Do it on a towel… ice melts! Have someone at home take a picture of you next to the ice tower, for size reference.

DESIGN – Design the ultimate sled. Be sure to draw it from different angles to show all of the unique features (rocket boosters, automatic hot chocolate machine… be creative!)

MAKE – Make as many snowflakes as you can from one sheet of A4 paper.

IMAGINE – Imagine a world where something ELSE fell from the sky today (candy, cats, coffee… you decide!) Describe/ draw what that place would look like.

CREATE – Wrap up warm and go outside to create a snow sculpture. Have someone take a photo of you beside your snow sculpture and upload it to your class dojo story.

TECHNOLOGY –  – Use this website to practise your maths skills. Please click on the KS1 activities for Primary 4.

Using the app ‘Adobe Spark’ create a video about your snow day activities. Take videos and pictures of the things you have created. – Sign up for a free trial of ‘Epic reading’ and enjoy reading some fiction and non-fiction books of your choice.

Write a story about a snow villain/hero. Illustrate your story
Write your times tables and number bonds in the snow.
Can you be the teacher and test an adult or older child.
Make a hand sized snowball and weigh it. Observe the changes as it melts – does the weight stay the same? Repeat with a different sized snowball.
Imagine you are looking after 5 year olds and you have to entertain them. Think up a new game that doesn’t have any equipment and can be played outdoors
Think of anyone nearby during this weather and how you could help them. This could be clearing their path and checking they have supplies. (Check with your parents first!)
Make a snow target (make sure it’s in a safe place!) and improve your aim by throwing snowballs. How many Bullseyes can you score in 1 minute?

Look out for interesting and funny snow stories either in the newspapers on TV or on the internet.

Catch up on your reading for fun

Think about people who live in very cold places. How do they cope with the cold weather? Can you design an item that would make their life easier?

Create a snow obstacle course in a safe outdoor space. You could make hurdles, climbing zones and crawl zones. Record you and your friend’s best times and compare.


Updated 2nd March

The Beast From The East Maths Investigation P7 (1)

P7/6 Winter Ready Work

  1. Design an interesting winter outfit to wear in the snow- draw and annotate.
  2. Measure the snow depth in your garden and put your results in a table to show changes over a period of time (hours or days)
  3. Create a winter warmer recipe with something you like to eat when it’s cold. Add pictures.
  4. Create a poster about staying safe in the snow! It can be very cold and the paths can be icy.
  5. Take a photo of the snow and bring it in to put on the blog.
  6. Build a snowman and take a picture we can make a snowman display when you come back to school.
  7. Find the warmest room in your house. Collect cups of snow from the garden and place them around your house. Which one melts first?
  8. Design a new sledge. Explain what it is made of and any important information about it.
  9. Watch a winter movie and write a film review.
  10. Compare the weather in Scotland with 3 contrasting countries and record temperatures and weather reports.
  11. Make a detailed timetable of your day including times and events. Present this data in an interesting way.
  12. Write a winter themed story or poem. Read this to someone at home. Make sure you add lots of winter adjectives and vocabulary.
  13. Ask someone at home to give you a times table test/ quiz record your results.
  14. Make up your own maths quiz including addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
  15. . Play at least 10 games on Sumdog.
  16. Art – Create a snow animal outside and take a photograph please! Have fun!
  17. Maths – Try to work out the area and perimeter of three of these things: your room, your garden, your bed, a table, your entire house, a pavement slab, or mark a rectangle in the snow and measure that.
  18. Literacy – Write an acrostic poem using the words ‘WINTER WONDERLAND’

19.Draw a snowy scene from your window-use pencil, pastels or paint

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