Category Archives: Health and Wellbeing

A New Lego Challenge!

Did you think LEGO bricks were just for building?
Turns out they make pretty good paint brushes too…

What you need:

• Washable paint
• A paper plate
• Paper

What to do:

1. Start by squirting various colours onto a
paper plate encourage your wee ones
to dip their pieces into the paint.
2. They can stamp, roll or press the
LEGO pieces into the paper, or do whatever
they like to create their masterpieces!
3. Car wheels and different shapes are
particularly great, but any LEGO pieces
should work.
4. The waterproof paint should come off
little fingers very easily, and getting the
paint off is an important part of their
self-care journey.

Splish Splash

This  fun multi-sensory activity  for all ages lets
children explore and learn.

What you need:

• Pots or buckets
• A water tray
• A waterproof mat
• Sponges, water toys  (optional) or natural resources
• Bubbles and food colouring (optional)

What to do:


1. Outdoors – Lay out some pots or buckets
filled with water and an array of toys,
sponges, and other things that can float.
2. Indoors – If you’re taking it indoors,
you’re better to start with a small water
tray to place the toys in and a waterproof
mat to protect the floor.
3. For younger children and babies
you’ll need to supervise them more closely,
but it is the perfect activity for them
to explore different textures.
4. Your babies will love it if you blow bubbles
and let them float on the water or let them splash
about, grab toys and explore this new
5. For older children, you can set them
some water play challenges. Get them to
craft floating boats, explore floating and
sinking, and get them to try and build a

Stimulating Sensory Baskets

This  activity is perfect for your under 2s in order to
help them understand the world around them but older children love to explore them too.

What you need:

• A basket
• Household items
• Natural items
• Materials and clothing
• Craft items

What to do:

1. The list for what to include in your
sensory baskets really is endless! Prepare
the basket with interesting, differently
shaped items for your wee ones to explore.
2. For the youngest, you’re best to start
off with around five items so as not to
overload them, but there really is no limit
as your children get older.
3. The items will help your youngest to
explore different materials and to start to
understand the world around them.


Let’s Get Physical!

Create a mini indoor or outdoor obstacle course to get your wee ones  physically active and burn off some energy.

What you could use:

• Tents
• Tunnels
• Ramps
• Toys for inside
• Whatever you can find!


What to do:

1.Start by laying out an obstacle course.
You can use things like tents, tunnels, and
ramps, or get creative and just use whatever
you have lying around your home or garden.

2. The activity really can work for any age.
If they can crawl, then you can run a little
simple obstacle course. You might need to
make it a little more complicated if you have
older ones though!

3. If you have younger children who are reluctant,
you can try using toys in the tunnels and
ramps to encourage them to engage.