Are you looking for more fun art ideas? If you have an old table or chair, try wrapping cling film round the legs and let your wee one paint away.
Are you looking for more fun art ideas? If you have an old table or chair, try wrapping cling film round the legs and let your wee one paint away.
Here is today’s Daily Doodle
Here is today’s Daily Doodle
These giant bubbles will leave your kids full of wonder
and excitement.
What you need:
Add water to a bowl then add washing up liquid. Add the sugar and stir gently until its dissolved. Now your bubble solution is ready!
Homemade wand:
Getting your wee ones to start scribbling and mark-making
is central to creating confident writers when they grow up. They will love expressing their thoughts and feelings through making marks while working their little muscles.
What you need:
• Paper/ black or whiteboard (anything you are happy for your wee one to scribble on)
• Crayons/ chalk
• Pens
• Paint
• Modelling clay/playdough
What to do:
1. Encouraging children of all ages to start
making marks is crucial for their development. It helps to develop their imagination and creative skills.
2. They will start by
discovering that their movements can
make marks on the page, but as they
grow, they’ll start to be able to give shape
and maybe even meaning to the marks
they make.
3. They will explore the sensory
experience, the feeling of crayons, the
smell of paint, the roughness of the paper.
4. You could try out finger painting or
getting them to draw using their finger
dipped in water on the pavement outside.
Here is today’s Daily Doodle