Start a Story

Use paint, pens or stickers to create engaging story stones that act
as a great starting point for imaginative, storytelling play. If you don’t have stickers, you could draw on pieces of paper then stick them on to the stones or cut images out of magazines.

What you need:

  • Flat stones
  • Paint
  • Stickers/or paper/glue to stick
  • Pens/pencils

What to do:

1. Start by making a few story stones yourself,
by selecting a few large, smooth
stones and paint, draw or put stickers on them.
These could be animals, characters, or
features of an environment like trees or

2. Make sure you have plenty of leftover
stones and gather your wee one
to start a story.

3. Use your existing story to build a starting
point to the story, then open it up to your wee one, letting them make the next character.

4. Once the children understand the concept,
use open-ended questions so that
they can help to develop the next part to
the story. Where is the character going?
Who will they meet?

5. Afterwards, you can leave the story
stones out and you may find your wee one
starts to craft their own stories independently.

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