Seafield Primary School

Be Your Best

by Miss Halliday

P3/4 – Friday 7th February

Tickled Pink

  • Miss Love taught us for a whole day on Wednesday, even during PE. It was so much fun and we can’t wait to work with her some more.
  • We have started practising for our class assembly already, we have a script and some songs to learn.
  • In writing, we wrote a narrative story about the Titanic but we made sure that our characters survived it sinking.

Green for Growth

  • We are going to keep working on our mental maths skills.

Lead learners this week were Brandon and Oliver.

by Miss Cooper

P5/6 Friday 7th February

Tickled Pink:

  • We performed our class assembly this week, thank you to everyone who came. We loved all of it but especially enjoyed doing the dancing and singing the jeely piece song!
  • In outdoor learning, we enjoyed making dens, running about the woods playing games, climbing trees and building hammocks.


Green for Growth:

  • We have started Time in Maths this week and started with a little test to find out what we already knew. Some of us found this quite tricky but we will keep working on this after the holidays.
  • We have sent in our Galaday posters today although we did find it a bit hard to think about what to draw and some of us restarted a couple of times.

Our lead learners are Mason and Ella

by Miss Robb

P2/3 Friday 7th February

Another brilliant week for P2/3!

Tickled Pink:

  • We have been enjoying our churches topic in RME so much that some of us challenged ourselves during outdoor learning to build our own church out of sticks!
  • We have been making good progress in HWB working on staying safe around medicine. We discussed different medicines and how they can help us and also how medicine could be dangerous if we are not careful. We thought about who would be a safe person to give us medicine in different settings and completed a sorting activity about safe and unsafe products around the house.
  • In French we learned how to order our school lunches and have been doing this every morning this week!

Green for Growth:

  • We have been working hard on our 3 times table this week and want to continue with this next week as it has been a little tricky.
  • We have also been working on our level of noise in the classroom and practicing moving around the class quickly and quietly.

Our lead learners this week are Lucas Y for being respectful and Harriet for being kind – Well done!

by Mrs Wallace

P1 Friday 7th February 2025

Tickled Pink

  • We had fun learning about Pictographs this week – filling in our favourite cakes and ice creams and finding out which is the most popular and least.
  • We done well with writing this week, it was about being on a pond and the children came up with super sentences using the describing bubble to help.
  • We enjoyed seeing our buddies and learning how to make snowflakes – some children found the cutting a bit tricky but their buddy was there to help them… they looked so cool when we opened them out.

Green for Growth

  • Some children found tally marks during Outdoor Learning a bit tricky, they had to sort a group of objects into colours and then record it in a table to show how many there were of each colour.


Our Lead Learners are Flynn and Elodie.


Have a super holiday and I look forward to hearing what you have been up to when we return on Tuesday 18th February!

Mrs Wallace

by Miss Cooper

P5/6 Friday 31st January

Tickled Pink:

  • We enjoyed performing our Burns Supper to the DISCO group yesterday. We put a lot of effort into our singing, dancing and poetry and were proud to show what we had been doing.
  • We are busy preparing for our class assembly next Friday. We can’t wait to perform for all our families!
  • We have welcomed a new pupil into our classroom this week who has settled in very well.


Green for growth:

  • We are continuing to work on fractions although we are finding it still quite tricky. Some of us are working on finding a fraction of an amount and some of us have been working on equivalent and simplifying fractions. We will keep working on this.
  • We started the narrative genre in writing this week and had to write about characters being lost in a cave. We will be working on building up the description of characters, setting and plot.

Our lead learners this week are Isla and Sebastian.

by Mr Hamilton

Primary 6/7 – Friday 31st January

Primary 6/7 have had a brilliant couple of weeks, with lots of great learning activities in class and online. On Friday morning, we discussed our last two weeks in school (because of the school closure due to the storm last week) and decided that we would like to share these thoughts about our learning:

Tickled Pink (things that we feel went well):

  • We have really enjoyed our two online lessons about Adobe Express over the last two weeks as we have been learning new skills and functions on this amazing resource and we thought it was great that we got some freedom and choice during these sessions too
  • We have enjoyed beginning to design and create our Gala Day posters for the competition to design the front cover of the Gala Day programme
  • We enjoyed learning about negative numbers in Maths and considering the different real life situations where negative numbers are used
  • The rest of our tickled pink learning that we want to share is all in relation to our Burns Supper. We have loved lots of different aspects or our learning over the last few weeks including the Scottish songs that we have been singing (Auld Lang Syne was definitely one of the favourites), writing and reciting Scots poetry, and the Scottish dancing for our Burns Supper was a highlight too. We are really looking forward to sharing all of this with you next Friday.

Green for Growth (things that we need to do to improve our learning):

  • It has been an amazing week with lots of enjoyment and we only wanted to focus on the Tickled Pinks and our wonderful Burns Supper!

Our lead learners for this week were Jake, Oscar, Calla & Alieu. They set the following class targets for the week; pay attention when the teacher is talking, don’t be silly on the laptops and be responsible with class resources. Our lead learners witnessed lots of our class meeting these targets, which was great to see.

Our school value award winners for this week and last week are Brodie, Shiva, Niamh and Che.

Well done for a brilliant week, P6/7 and an absolutely magnificent Burns Supper which our Seafield Senior Citizens group thoroughly enjoyed. Have a lovely weekend.

by Miss Robb

P2/3 Friday 31st January

P2/3 have had a great week this week. Eadie, Ryan and Struan did a fantastic job standing up and performing their Scottish poems for the schools Burns assembly. Well done!

Tickled Pink:

  • We have been working on our group work this week and it has been going amazingly! In our groups we did research on Scottish animals and learned how to use Padlet to feedback our information to the rest of the class. We also worked in our groups during RME to draw and label the inside and outside of a church. This was an amazing piece of work and the team work that we used made them even better – We decided in our groups to split the work up which was a fantastic strategy!
  • In Health and Wellbeing we are learning about safe and unsafe substances. We had a class discussion about the different things we think are safe and unsafe and made a chart to sort them.

Green for Growth:

  • In numeracy we have moved on to our 5 times table and are going to continue to practise some different strategies that we have learned to help us like times table flowers!

Our lead learners this week are Evie, Lilidh, Robyn and Eadie – Well done!

by Miss Halliday

P3/4 Friday 31st January

Tickled Pink:

  • This week we have been working hard on fractions. We are able to find fractions of a quantity, and find where fractions lie on a number line.  We also loved the fraction song, which we were able to dance to!
  • We enjoyed PE this week, as we joined the P2/3 class, and played lots of fun games with the parachute.
  • During Literacy, we learnt about onomatopoeia, and we were able to create our own onomatopoeia pop art pictures, which we really enjoyed!

Green for Growth:

  • We would like to continue working with fractions and finding fractions of a quantity.

Our Lead Learners next week are Georgia and Cade.

by Mrs Wallace

P1 Friday 31st January 2025

Tickled Pink:

  • For outdoor learning this week we were practising tally marks and recording what colour the cars were that drove past us. After 10 minutes we had to count the tally marks and see what colour was the most popular.

  • We have been learning about Lunar New Year and enjoyed making our very own paper snakes to celebrate the year of the snake. We all followed the instructions really well and they turned out super!
  • We have finished learning how to write all of the capital letters in handwriting and are looking forward to starting new handwriting jotters to practise writing on the lines.

Green for Growth:

  • Some children keep forgetting that when we draw a fifth tally mark it goes across to make a group – we will keep practising this.
  • Some children are getting a bit confused when doing subtraction sums – they are adding on instead of taking away.


Our Lead Learners next week are Milly and Jaxon.


Have a great weekend,

Mrs Wallace

by Mrs Wallace

P1 Friday 24th January 2025

Tickled Pink:

  • We have started looking at subtraction in Maths and the children are loving being Subtraction Ninjas… they have enjoyed playing squashy subtraction with the playdough and exploring new games on the iPad.
  • We have been learning about Scotland this week – including about famous Scots like Robert Burns and Steven Brown. We loved drawing our own McCoos and having a wee party to celebrate Robert Burns… we tried shortbread and irn bru! Click the link to see our McCoos … P1 McCoos
  • We were using the describing bubble to help us write descriptive sentences about a Hen and her Chicks. The children came up with super sentences!


Green for Growth:

  • Some children are finding it a bit tricky to count tally marks – we will keep practising.


Lead Learners will be announced next week as we were not in school today… I hope everyone stays safe and has a lovely weekend!

Mrs Wallace

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