Seafield Primary School

Be Your Best

by Mr Hamilton

Primary 6/7 – Friday 7th March 2025

Primary 6/7 have had a wonderful week In school, with lots of great learning activities in class. On Friday morning, we discussed our week in school and decided that we would like to share these thoughts about our learning:

Tickled Pink (things that we feel went well):

  • We enjoyed our outdoor learning session this week as it was the first time for a while that we have been able to head out into the village during our outdoor learning time
  • We also our art tasks to create our book cover display for our classroom door to help celebrate World Book Day
  • We enjoyed badminton in PE this week as started to use the net and improve our skills with building rallies
  • We enjoyed our Health & Well-Being lesson about respect and fairness as we had very deep and meaningful discussions
  • The Primary 6 pupils enjoyed their badminton session with the S6 Sports Leaders from Deans Community High School as they continue to prepare for the forthcoming Primary 6 badminton festival
  • Our Primary 7 pupils enjoyed their buddying session this week when they helped their buddies with origami skills to make bookmarks
  • We enjoyed our author visit from Scott Fleming for World Book Day

Green for Growth (things that we need to do to improve our learning):

  • Some of us found our Maths work a bit tricky as we worked with interpreting charts displaying bus and train timetables
  • Some of us also felt that we would have liked to go a little further for our outdoor learning session

Our school value award winners for this week are Amelia and James.

Our lead learners this week were Alfie, Abbie, Annie and Matthew. They set these three targets for the class this week:

  • listen when the teacher is talking
  • participate in things that you don’t want to do
  • don’t talk when it is an individual task

Our lead learners observed many children across the class meeting these targets all week, which was fantastic.

Well done for an excellent week, P6/7. Have a lovely weekend.

by Miss Halliday

P3/4 Friday 7th March

Tickled Pink

  • This week we performed our class assembly to the school and our parents. We felt nervous, but it was the best assembly ever!
  • We celebrated World Book Day  this week, and some of us dressed up in some amazing costumes inspired by our favourite books.
  • We were lucky enough to be invited to West Lothian College, where we were able to work with real fire fighters, and got to cook spring rolls and katsu curry sauce from scratch!

Green for Growth:

  • Continue to learn about time, learning about o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past.

Our Lead Learners this week are Chloe and Finn!

by Mrs Wallace

P1 Friday 7th March 2025

Tickled Pink:

  • We loved decorating our door for the school World Book Day competition… We read Elmer and then made our very own patchwork elephants using rulers to draw our own lines! They look amazing!

  • We have been learning about the Life Cycle of a Frog as part of our Living Things topic. The children were really good at remembering the stages from frogspawn to adult frog.
  • We have been looking at addition and subtraction in maths and had to read the questions really carefully!


Green for Growth:

  • We have started looking at ordinal numbers in maths and some of the children were finding it quite tricky to identify what was in 2nd or 3rd position because they don’t sound like two and three. We will keep practising this!


Our Lead Learners next week are Olivia N and Charley.


Have a super weekend,

Mrs Wallace

by Miss Cooper

P5/6 Friday 28th February

Tickled Pink:

  • We finished off our narrative writing on fairytales this week. This is just the start of us building up our knowledge of how to write a narrative story.
  • We worked on time this week, working out the time in five minute intervals and to the minute. Some of us enjoyed challenging each other to write down different times in our game.


Green for growth:

  • We are continuing to work on badminton in P.E., a lot of us thought we needed to make sure we were listening to the instructions more so that we could improve our skills.

Our lead learners this week are Connor and Kellan.

by Mrs Baird

P6/7 Friday 28th February 2025

Tickled Pink

  • We enjoyed developing our badminton skills during PE.
  • The P6 pupils also had the opportunity to have a badminton coaching session with the DCHS Sports Leaders.
  • In Maths we learned to convert imperial and metric measurements and the P7 pupils were measuring volumes as part of their high school science transition activities.
  • During the Maths transition session, with Mr McConville from DCHS, we were learning algebra and used what we’d learned to create mobiles making sure that they balanced.
  • We all enjoyed preparing for our forthcoming debate on animal testing.


Green for Growth

  • We found our mental maths calculations tricky because of the restricted time we had to complete them.
  • We are looking forward to visiting areas around the village for our outdoor learning.

Our Lead Learners this week were Alfie and Abbie and they chose to focus on:-

  • Listen to teachers respectfully
  • Be responsible on laptops
  • Be sensible when sitting on a chair

A huge well done to everyone in P6/7 who managed to achieve these targets. Have a great weekend!

by Mrs Wallace

P1 Friday 28th February 2025

Tickled Pink

  • We enjoyed playing some whole class games during Outdoor Learning – like Red, Red River and Duck, Duck Goose.
  • We started our new topic, Living Things, and are looking forward to learning lots over the next few weeks.
  • We are doing really well with the Days of the Week in French – we practise each morning.

Green for Growth

  • We started learning how to talk about the weather in French and will continue to practise.

Our Lead Learners next week are Ollie and Zaynab.

Have a good weekend,

Mrs Wallace

by Mr Hamilton

Primary 6/7 – Friday 21st February 2025

Primary 6/7 have had a great first week back after the February break, with lots of great learning activities in class. On Friday morning, we discussed our week in school and decided that we would like to share these thoughts about our learning:

Tickled Pink (things that we feel went well):

  • We enjoyed continuing to work on Distance, Speed and Time in class as we felt it wasn’t too difficult once we understood how to use the formulae
  • We also enjoyed starting our work on debating this week because we are happy to develop our argumentative skills!
  • We continued to enjoy our badminton focus in PE as we changed our focus to backhand shots this week
  • In Art, we enjoyed choosing and creating our illustrations from the “Kidnappit” book which was part of our Scottish Literature focus during our mini-focus on Scotland and Burns
  • We enjoyed starting our persuasive writing about animal testing in our Writing lesson and this will also be the focus for our first class debate this term
  • We all enjoyed our teacher led reading sessions this week and the rich (and sometimes fun!) discussions during our non-fiction focus

Green for Growth (things that we need to do to improve our learning):

  • Some of us found learning about Volume a bit tricky in Maths with Mrs Baird and we will continue to focus on this next week
  • Some of us also felt that our Reading task on Fact vs Opinion with Mrs Baird was a bit difficult
  • Some of us also found the “Kidnappit” art a bit tricky because of the level of detail required to recreate the pictures

Our school value award winners for this week are Abbie and Alfie.

Our lead learners this week were Shiva, Brodie, Niamh, Che, Darcey and Faith. The set these three targets for the class this week:

  • be respectful to teachers
  • use resources responsibly
  • don’t swing on chairs

Our lead learners observed many children across the class meeting these targets all week, which was wonderful.

Well done for a brilliant week, P6/7. Have a lovely weekend.

by Miss Halliday

Primary 3/4

Tickled Pink

  • We enjoyed our rich task this week, we were working out algebraic solutions to a problem involving buttons.
  • In writing, we wrote a narrative story about a magical yellow bag that can change items put into it.
  • We are busy practising our songs for the assembly on March 7th, we are getting really good at learning the words.

Green for Growth

  • We are going to make sure we read our home reading book for every Wednesday.

Lead learners this week are Ellie Mae and Blake.

by Miss Robb

P2/3 Friday 21st February

Another great week for P2/3!

Tickled Pink:

  • This week we have been working hard in numeracy and have started adding 2 and 3-digit numbers together. We will keep working on this next week but we are really enjoying learning about carrying the numbers over.
  • We also got to take part in a fun activity yesterday where we created our own volcanoes. We made an explosion in the sink using vinegar and it smelled so bad! This was really fun and we all enjoyed it.

Green for Growth:

  • We are working on our noise level within the classroom. We have created a noise level system and have been working hard to stick to each level. This is going really well and everyone has been enjoying this.
  • We are also working on moving around the classroom quickly and quietly when given instructions. When we do this successfully, we earn table points for our groups and can win a prize at the end of the week.

Our lead learners this week are Olivia for being kind and Miah for being respectful – Well done!

by Miss Cooper

Primary 5/6 Friday 21st February

Tickled Pink:

  • In outdoor learning, we learned some new playground games and had lots of fun doing so. We learned Pacman, telephone and we played What’s the time Mr Wolf which some of us hadn’t played in a long time.
  • We have been practicing our control with a racquet in badminton as well as our stance and how to serve when we have a target aimed at us.
  • During Art, we have been creating origami frogs which we raced against each other to see which frog went the furthest.

Green for Growth:

  • We were working on turning fractions into decimals. Some people found this a little tricky and we needed a couple of days to work on this and finish our tasks.
  • In our weaving, we have struggled with creating the knots in our wool. We will keep practicing these.

Our lead learners are Charlie and Frankie.

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