Category Archives: Parent/Carer Information

Speech and Language Therapy Support

Supporting and understanding early communication skills is often an area of huge interest to the families we work with.

Speech and Language Information and advice is available at:



There are regular Sign-A-Long Sessions for Parents / Carers run by the Speech & Language Therapists, free of charge, at Beatlie School.  If sign-a-long is something you are interested in learning about and how this could benefit your child visit the Sign-a-long Website at

Sign-a-long are currently offering 27 free signs for you to  take a look at and explore.  If you are interested and feel you would benefit from a Speech and Language Therapists guidance in: learning the correct hand formations, how to introduce Sign-a-Long to your child or feel you would benefit with additional signs specific to child’s interests,  please speak to your Speech and Language Therapist or PSHTS Key-Worker about how to access Sign-A-Long Sessions.

Free Sign-A-Long Booklet