Daily Archives: July 2, 2020

Additional Support & Nurturing Transition Trails – Home Learning to Learning Centres



Hope everyone is keeping well and your summer is off to a good start!

For those of you who have little ones that are due to start ELC/Nursery after the holidays, the SWAY above has some simple video examples of enhanced transition activities you can do at home over the next few weeks to help your little one prepare.  The sensory story used can be accessed here: Starting ELC Sensory Story

The activities are suitable for any child but are aimed specifically at little ones who would benfit from lots of sensory experiences being used along with simplified language to help them to make connections in their world and develop their understanding.

As always the key to reinforcing the learning is to:  Keep language simple, use lot’s and lot’s of repetition, aim to ‘play’ when your child is most likely to engage (i.e. Not too tired, hungry etc),  Most of all – Have Fun!

Transition Booklet