Planning for Successful Transitions for little ones starting an Early Learning Centre (ELC) for the first time can cause mixed emotions for all parents – this can be particularly the case for families with a child who has a disability, additional support need or a delay in their development. Many parents like to be organised well in advance and feel they have done everything they can to prepare their child . Given the circumstances this year, it can be difficult at this time to predict what the new school /ELC year will look . This however does not stop you as a parent, starting to think about what you can do at home to begin to prepare both you and your child for their time at ELC. The PSHTS Transition Booklet will offer a few suggestions to get you started. Your Key Worker is also on the end of the phone if they can be of any help and if you have any ideas that other parents could benefit from, we would love to share them!
ELC Transition Tips
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