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P6 News

P6 had the opportunity to visit Peat Moss this week and explore the bog, linking to their previous topic of climate change. The class went out in the morning and investigated ph levels of the soil and water in the bog and explored an area of the bog for living things.

After lunch the children went back to the bog to clear some small trees and any litter that was lying on the ground. The class were very lucky as the weather was dry and even a little sunny throughout the day 🙂

Here are some pictures to show how much fun they had.

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What has been going on in P5 this week.

PE this week we had the opportunity to play volleyball with Mrs. Logan. In pairs the children worked on catching and throwing skills.R0013057R0013058R0013066

We have started getting ready for our assembly with P4 and P5/4.

We hope to see you there. The 27th November 2015.

In Numeracy we have been working on place value.We even managed to get to Billions!

P5 is also working on time and show a good knowledge of telling o’clock and half past .We are working on quarter to  and quarter past and have designed our own clocks to help us with this.

We have had some fantastic peer learning this week during reading routes and it is always lovely to see peers working collaboratively and enhancing each others learning.R0013049R0013050

We enjoy celebrating wider achievement and have been so lucky to have two friends share their achievement in swimming. Connor Martin received a badge for completing 25m. Sam Parker achieved gold in 50m front crawl, 50m breast stroke, 25m fly, 50m back stroke and 200m front crawl. Unbelievable! I am tired just typing it.

Well done boys!


Primary 2

In maths we did a survey about pets then we made a bar graph and a pictograph. We used tally marks to do the survey.  – Aleisha, Freya, Alex.

We have been putting numbers in order to 20 – Aleisha

We have been matching names to numbers to 20 – Warren

We have been finding facts about owls – Jana

We wrote them on our fact sheet – Jack

We made a fan with Mrs Turnbull to learn our f sound – Callan

We have been learning sh and ch sounds – Adam

We have been learning oa/ai sounds – Alex and Eva

We have been starting to learn about technology with Mrs Millar

– Mrs McLay

This weeks Skillionaires are Callen Singleton and Payton Owens

– ” I can decide the order of the pictures and words from my book”.

– Well done

We have been busy practising for our Assembly next Friday – we hope you can come along to see it.



Primary 2B

This week in class we have been learning:

-About the Owl who was afraid of the dark – Tia

-The owl is called Plop and cannot fly – Abbie

-We have been practising our lines for our assembly next week – Brooke

-We have been learning about displaying information on graphs – Jack


Primary 2B are going to have a prentend ‘camp fire’ activity next week realting to our IDL on ‘The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark. During this activity the children will be sitting round the paper ‘camp fire’ and telling stories and singing songs. They will also be able to eat marshmallows. If you have any questions regarding this lesson please do not hesitate to phone.

Our assembly will be on Friday 20th. Hope to see you there.




We have had a very busy week at school while some of our classmates have been away at camp.  We have had a variety of exciting activities across all three of the upper school classes.


We were lucky to have Mr Young from Active Schools visit us on Monday to teach the children basketball skills.  We also had a mini benchball tournament with Miss Moir’s P6 class on Wednesday.  We also had a ‘Go-Noodle’ session in the hall which the children all loved!

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Art and Health & Wellbeing

On Tuesday afternoon all three of the upper school teachers hosted an art masterclass.  The three artists were Warhol, Lowrey and Seurat.  My artist was George Seurat and our focus was his pointellist piece of the Eiffel Tower.  Miss Moir, Mrs Anderson and I were all super impressed with the effort and enthusiasm shown by every one of the children.  Ms McCrae was also extremely impressed and a whopping 8 Head Teacher awards were given!  Well done to everyone who received an award.  I will post some pictures of the final results on Monday!

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Unfortunately due to the weather first thing on Wednesday morning we didn’t manage to do our planned walk to Seafield.  However after break, we pulled on our boots, wrapped up and walked to the Peat Moss.  Along the way we collected a variety of natural materials that the Autumn season brings, including leaves, sticks and the ocassional splash of vibrant colour.  When we got back to class the children used their ICT skills to research what trees the leaves had fallen from.  The children then created a variety of fantastic pieces of art!

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We also had an upper school movie session 🙂  The children opted for ‘Home’ … Fantastic choice! And we had lots of giggles watching it.

House Captains

House Captains and Vice Captains had their first meeting with Ms McCrae and Mrs Bruce on Thursday.  They have been planning roles and responsibilities for the coming months.  I wish them lots of luck as they take on their extremely important and influential roles.  🙂 🙂


As you may already be aware, Ms McCrae introduced a new whole school initiative this academic year.  ‘Grow your Money’ is an enterprise opportunity for each class to raise funds that can be spent on their own class.  Every class has been allocated £10.00.  The aim is to start small, build profit allowing you to grow your £10.oo into something much bigger, with all profits benefiting your own class!



We are proposing that our first enterprise activity is going to be designing, hand-making and selling Christmas cards.  We thought packs of 5 for £1.oo.  If Ms McCrae approves our suggestion these will be available to staff, parents and carers to pre-order.

Transition: P7 pupils only

Next week our P7s begin their journey onto the next stage of their education.  All p7s will be visiting Bathgate Academy for a half-day of exciting activities.  On Monday (9th) I will be accompanying some of the children with Mrs Anderson accompanying the others on Wednesday (11th).  It is extremely important that we receive your signed authorisation and completed EE2 forms prior to your child’s visit.

I look forward to hearing all about the children’s adventures at camp and allowing the children to share their learning and experiences with each other from the past week.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend!  Remember, be sensible and stay safe if you are attending any firework displays!

Miss Preston xx

P3T Learning- 6.11.15

Our new topic for this term is Island Life so this week we have been thinking about what an island is. We are looking forward to creating an island in our classroom.

We are developing our adding and subtracting skills and have been doing lots of active games to remember what two things when added together makes 10 and 20.

We were pleased to hear that our letters have arrived in Dubai and we are waiting for a reply soon.

This week in P5

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We had great fun researching and learning about the gunpowder plot. We used our knowledge gained to have a class debate. Was it a Government plot or Terrorist act?

In Reading routes this week P5 looked at statements, questions and exclamations and the punctuation marks used for this.

In Handwriting this week we have concentrated on the formation of f and k when using joined handwriting.

This week we continued to use upper body strength during PE with Miss Harrison.

P5 exceeded expectation with the creation of colorful informative fire safety posters. We have displayed these throughout the school.

This weeks Skillionaire focus was – Analyse.

This weeks Skillionaires are:

Aarin Higgins for being able to breakdown difficult addition problems in numeracy.

Harris McEwan for being able to test himself using mad math minutes.

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Callan Johnston won the Spotlight this week for super subtraction!

This week Skillionaire focus was Analyse.

The Skillionaires this week are Jack Kerr for breaking down numbers using ten frames and Aleisha Quinn for interpreting a bar graph.

Callan – we have been practising our handwriting this week.

Brogan – we have learning how to take away

Sara – we were painting firework pictures.

Dionne – we are learning about bar graphs in maths.

Jack – we had special visitors this week. They were firemen!

Everyone had great fun! Photos to follow