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A big congratulations to everyone for their fantastic efforts with the Christmas Concert. The staff and children worked hard getting everything ready and the final result was brilliant.

I am very proud have been part of such a fantastic group singing in a new language. You were AMAZING P5!

A big thank you for the fantastic effort in making your time machines. I am looking forward to continuing our journey through Scotland’s History. (pictures to follow)

A week full of thank you’s!! P5 you have impressed me yet again with the level of your homework. What fantastic creative ways to practice your spelling words. WOW.R0013227R0013226R0013224R0013222R0013225R0013223

This week in Primary 7…

In Numeracy we have been applying our knowledge of fractions, decimals and percentages through problem solving. We have also worked in pairs to deepen our understanding of percentages. We are in the process of creating some super posters to demonstrate our learning!

In Literacy we are using our previous work of character description, setting description and time travel to create a ‘Time Travelling Tale’. Primary 7 have worked hard to write a mini saga for a Young Writers Competition. There are three golden rules that we have to follow and the first one is the trickiest!!!

Golden Rules of Mini Saga Writing:
1) Mini sagas must be no more than 100 words
2) Mini sagas must have a beginning, middle and an end.
3) Mini sagas must be written in your own words.

Here is an example of one the excellent competition entries…

On a cold and rainy night the Doctor pressed the button and zoomed to the future. He arrived at an old evil haunted house. It was 10 o’clock. The front door opened with a loud creek, it was covered with giant spider webs. He stepped into the house very slowly, he felt the dangerous atmosphere. He caught a glimpse of a shadow, a shadow as fast as a plane taking off. Suddenly the Doctor felt someone tap his back. Startled, he ran, ran for his life, he ran fast! It was an old spirit that chased him, chased him to the death.

By James McGuire

In other areas of the curriculum we have been learning more about how everyday appliances are designed. We have also been very busy practising for the Christmas Variety Show. Hope to see you there. Remember to get your tickets from Mrs Strachan.

Enjoy your weekend!
Primary 7

A choir to be proud of!

Although they came together only a short time ago, the children of the choir have worked hard as a team to learn a fun-filled Christmas programme to raise the Christmas spirit!
This week, they have been really busy;
On Wednesday morning, the children went on our annual outing to Tesco, to give a little Christmas cheer to the shoppers. As a result of their beautiful singing and enthusiasm, they raised the fantastic sum of £119.43 in less than an hour. The children were keen to donate this money to Tesco’s named charities – British Heart Foundation and Diabetes UK. Their generosity and thought for others have made Murrayfield very proud and Tracey, the Tesco Community Champion, was delighted and very appreciative of the donation.
With no time to rest, the choir assembled again on Wednesday evening to welcome friends and family to the Murrayfield Christmas Fair, by singing some Christmas favourites.
After a good night’s sleep, they met on Thursday morning to record some songs for WL social media. Mr Anderson, who filmed them, was very impressed by their enthusiasm and the fun they had when performing. If you haven’t yet seen them in action, you can find them on the WL facebook page and then follow the link.
Next week sees them participating in the school Christmas Concert and then, on Monday 14th December they will join Our Lady of Lourdes P.S. children to entertain the over-50s at their Christmas party at the Cairn Hotel. What an eventful month!

This week in P5

A great big thank you to all the parents who supported us by coming to watch our assembly. We hope you felt very Scottish when you left.R0013153


Jingle – jingle

It is officially December and P5 have started practicing for our part in the Christmas concert. Learning a new language is exciting and a lot of fun.

We have been busy this week working with subtraction and the children are becoming more confident in discussing the strategies they are using when subtracting.

P5 have  worked with Mrs. McGlynn in RME and are illustrating the Passover. It is looking amazing! R0013211 R0013212 R0013213 R0013214 R0013215

We had a sneak peak at the historic Village at Scara Brae and the children used this information to create some very good quality questions!

Percy Visits Primary 1





On Tuesday Primary 1 welcomed a special visitor into the classes. Percy the Park Keeper arrived with his friend Mrs Stewart. We have been reading stories about Percy the Park Keeper and his animal friends, hedgehog, rabbit, fox and badger. We particularly enjoyed the story After the Storm and we were keen to tell Percy all our ideas for building the animals a new house. We also asked Percy lots of questions about his park and his animal friends. He showed us his tool bag and his knitted scarf from Auntie Joyce. He had also ate his Peanut Butter sandwiches on the way to school. We had great fun… Thank you Percy. Hope to see you again soon.

Primary 2A

A big thank you to those of you who managed to come along to see our Assembly on The Owl Who was Afraid of the Dark last week.

Following on from this fabulous Assembly, we are now practising for the Nativity with the Primary 1s. This will be part of the Christmas Show this year and you can buy your tickets now.

We are busy learning the songs and actions and some of us are learning our words to be the Narrators.

In literacy we wrote a poem about an owl this week. In reading we were learning about the importance of italics and bold fonts. We worked in groups to identify these in a piece of text.

In maths we were reading tally marks then drawing a bar graph.

In science we were learning about star constellations with Mrs Millar.

We learned the importance of dressing in bright colours to keep us safe as part of road safety week.



P6 Enterprise

A Great Big Thank You to everyone who has bought a stocking from P6 🙂 We have done exceptionally well with selling these stockings. So much so that we actualy sold out on our first day!

However, do not panic. We will be making more next week and will be selling this batch on Wednesday. Some children have already paid for their stocking, and these will be handed to them on Wednesday as well. This will be the last batch we are making as Christmas is fast approaching and P6 have to get themselves organised for the Christmas Concert 🙂 Remember they are £2 each-bargain if I do say so myself.

Thank you again for all your support

Miss Moir