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P6 Newsletter :)
Please click on the link to read our latest newsletter 🙂
This Week in Nursery…
It has been another busy week in the nursery. This week the writing area became a busy post office with lots of letters being stamped and parcels being wrapped. The children continued to enjoy the cars and construction area. At the art table the children experimented with creating cold paintings and glittery icicles. They continued to help organise and prepare snack. Next week we move on to look at Scotland alongside a dinosaur theme as the children had been looking for dinosaur toys this week and talking about dinosaurs.
P7/6 Class Trip
A reminder that our P7/6 class trip to Amazonia is tomorrow.
The bus will be leaving school at 9.15am sharp, returning at approximately 2pm.
Children will leave school at our usual time, so no special pick up arrangements are required.
If you opted to give your child their own packed lunch then please remember to pack one in their school bag 🙂
The children (and me!) are all really excited for tomorrow. The children, knowing my fear of spiders, are insisting on me holding a tarantula … Don’t hold your breath for this happening!!
Miss Preston.
P7 Transition: Date for your diary
A reminder to all Parents/Carers of P7 pupils that this year’s Bathgate Academy Roadshow will be at our school on Tuesday evening – Tues 12th at 6.30pm.
This is an opportunity for you and your children to meet with and speak to a number of teachers and SMT from Bathgate Academy.
We hope you can make it along.
Miss Preston & Miss Akram
Welcome back p7/6
Welcome back P7/6!!
We have had a lovely couple of days catching up on each other’s news and getting our brains back into learning mode.
Class trip to Amazonia
A reminder that all permission/packed lunch and EE2 forms must be completed and signed and returned by Wednesday 13th (next Wed). Payment can be made along with forms to either Miss Preston or Mrs Strachan at the school office.
Wishing you all the very best for 2016!
Miss Preston
P7/6 – Fantastic trip to the panto :)
What a fantastic time we had at the panto! I am exceptionally proud of every child as their behaviour was perfect! Well done P7/6!
Every child that was at the panto has been awarded 5 Class Dojo points for ‘Positive Behaviour on School Excursion’.
See you all in the morning for our Christmas Assembly then your Christmas treat of a Movie and Snacks.
Miss Preston
A Fantastic fun filled week this week!
Our Christmas party was filled with beautifully dressed girls and dapper boys. P5 has some fantastic dancers and we all had great fun participating in all the fantastic games!
The pantomime Aladdin was a real treat and great fun to watch. We even had a proposal from the lovely lady Twanky! What a special and great way to end the term.
We want to wish you a very Merry Christmas from everyone in P5!
Happy Holidays from the Nursery!
Last week was a busy week for the children as they performed their Nativity on Tuesday. I am sure you will agree with the Nursery team in saying that the children put on a great performance and made us all very proud!
Since last Wednesday, the children have been busy having fun in the lead up to Christmas with lot’s of Christmas related activities such as wrapping presents, writing Christmas cards etc. They have all especially loved having Eddie the Elf who has come to visit us from the North Pole. He has been a little mischievous and made lot’s of mess in the nursery to send a message to the children that we keep our nursery tidy.
Both children and staff are looking forward to the Christmas parties! We hope to see you all there! Just a reminder that doors open at 2.35pm on Thursday for Parents/Carers at the pm party and 10.55am for the am party, to come along and meet our special guest!
On behalf of the whole Nursery team, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 🙂