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Celebrating Success!

A massive well done to Summer on her recent successes at the West Lothian Taekwon-Do Championships last weekend.

Summer won an amazing 3 awards!


GOLD in the ‘Sparring’ round

SILVER in the ‘Flying High’ round

SILVER in the ‘Pattern’ round

Congratulations Summer!  Everyone at Murrayfield Primary is very proud of and happy for you.

Miss Preston 🙂

Euroquiz 2016

A huge “Well done” to Jura, Lenny, Laura and Brodie who represented Murrayfield at this year’s Euroquiz at Howden Park Centre on Friday.  As always, there was stiff opposition and it was incredible to see how knowledgeable the children of West Lothian are about Europe.

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There were 4 different categories of questions:

1.  The European Parliament

2. Languages

3. Geography

4.  General knowledge

I’m sure a lot of us would have found most of the questions really challenging.  For example, how many of you can name the national anthems of different European countries off the top of your head, say which countries invented different things, or even recall different facts about the members of the European Parliament?

P6’s Team Murrayfield did us proud once again.  Thank you all for your hard work!

Miss Preston an’ aw hur Eejits :) Masterclass 2016

We had lots of fun yesterday in our masterclass on the ‘The Eejits’.

We used our ICT and research skills to find out lots of facts about Roald Dahl.

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Some of the words within the book were a little tricky and we found it very interesting finding out about the meanings of some of the unusual Scots words we came across … some of our favourites were: coupon (face), cludgie (toilet), hawkit (ugly), puddock (frog) 🙂 🙂 🙂

We drew pictures of Mr and Mrs Eejit and used adjectives in Scots to describe them.   Then, we prepared a menu for the Eejits! …. The suggestions sounded, erm, well, lets say not quite to my taste lol!  Here are just some of the suggestions …

Breakfast: Rotten eggs oan mouldy toast washed doon wi soor mulk

Lunch:  Pizza wae cockroach topping, slimy snot insteed o’ cheese

Dinner: Dug bahookie stew wi’ rotten green tatties

Supper:  Stinkin green cheese oan mouldy aul breed

In the afternoon we painted a wall display of Mr and Mrs Eejit and added some of our favourite adjectives!

We finished off the day with a quiz on the meanings of Scots words.

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All of the children from P4 – P7 who attended this Masterclass did extremely well and I now know that I NEVER want them to cook a meal for me!! :O 🙂

Miss Preston x

This week in P5

P5’s have been working on a secret mission. They have been secret spies on a secret mission of friendship. It was fantastic. We ended this with a friendship party and started making friendship bracelets.

We have worked on our scotts and have created comic strips. They are faer braw.

P5 worked on presenting information using Venn and Carroll diagrams.

We finished a series of art lesson with Mrs. Melia by using a variety of materials such as coffee, charcoal and putty rubber to create artwork on Scottish landmarks.

We all enjoyed our fantastic Masterclasses.

Today we had to say farewell to Mrs. Melia. We have all loved having her in our class and are unanimous when saying that we have learned so much from her. Thank you for all you have done for P5 and we wish you all the best for the future.

We are going to MISS you very much.R0013549

P6 News :)

Hello everyone,

We have had another fun filled week with our learning and had a super day on Thursday with a Book Day themed Masterclass. My Masterclass was based on The BFG and we learned about the different characters, the plot of the story and we created our own dream jars for a display for the main hall. The children really enjoyed themselves, as did the teachers.

In P6 we have been continuing with our multiplication in numeracy, and have been focusing on evacuation through our WW2 topic. We also started our class novel “Goodnight Mister Tom,” which is already proving to be a very thought provoking and wonderful story linking with our topic.

Just a little note to add that P6 will be going on their trip on Wednesday the 9th of March (myself and Mrs Cordner are super excited!). Children must wear their school uniforms and please remember their packed lunches if they have requested one from home 🙂

Also the p6 and P7 assembly date has changed to Friday 15th April to give us more time to pack in more information about WW2.

Thanks for reading

P6 and Miss Moir


What have we been learning this week? The children really enjoyed the Masterclasses. It was World Book Day and every group were learning and doing activities on different books.

Payton – We were doing Masterclasses on Thursday.

We were learning about Charlie & the Chocolate Factory.

Sean – We made walking sticks and a picture of Willy Wonka & Oompa Loompas.

Aleisha – We were learning about The Tiger who came to tea.

Ross – We made tiger cakes

Callan – we made tiger plates

Brogan – We did Pirates Love Underpants & we made a pirate hat & an eye patch.

Lilianna – We did Those Pesky Rabbits

We made a rabbit & a bear.

Callen S – We were learning about Horace and the Haggis Hunter.

We made a map.

Freya – we made our own tartan

Sara – we made the characters

Megan – we did Winnie the Witch

Brooke – we made Winnie the Witch hats

Warren – we did Elmer

Eva – we made elephant masks


P7/6 Update

A week in pictures!

Interactive Math Challenge … the clocks ticking!!

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Mr Connolly, Head of House at Bathgate Acadeny, came to visit our P7s


Seeking shelter during our first WWII Air Raid !!

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Preparation for the hockey, basketball and football inter-school tournaments getting underway! Go Team Murrayfield!!

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CAB/YAP in school to prepare the song for the conference!IMG_0703 IMG_0705


Miss Preston x

This week in P7/6

This week in P7/6 we have been learning all about similes and metaphors and making up some silly ones of our own!  We found that similes are far easier to make up than metaphors!  Miss Akram has been continuing with increasing our knowledge of paragraphs.  Next week we will be considering the main areas of a newspaper article – we will be writing our own front page of the Murrayfield Mail announcing Britain at War!

In numeracy we have moved onto multiplication – some of us are struggling to see the purpose of being able to explain our strategies and the need for learning standard algorithms.  With this in mind, Miss Preston has a challenge up her sleeve for next week where ‘I just work it out in my head’ will not be possible 😉 😉   Last week’s M/S/H challenge has shown that we need to increase the variety of mathematical language we use in class and that we need to practice worded math questions.  This will be a focus as we move forward.

We have moved onto our WWII topic.  We listened to Chamberlain announcing Britain at War and discussed how this made us feel, how it must have felt for the people at the time.  We have been discussing Allied and Axis countries – next week we will be working in groups to learn about the main leaders.  We will be learning some playground games that children in the late 1930s would be playing (weather permitting, this will be done outside).  The children, now equipped with their ID cards, will be introduced to an air raid …. but when …. and how will they react??

Inline with WLC 1+2 for languages, we will be increasing our Spanish within class – this was fully introduced this week and the children did fantastically well breaking down a few sentences I said orally; using both the context we were discussing and pulling on their existing knowledge of French & English sounding words!

We have completed the planning, sourcing of materials and building of our ISSs!  As part of our WWII topic we will build on this new knowledge of sketching, planning and sourcing materials as a homework challenge – the children have yet to decide on what area of WWII this will involve.  The models will be sent home with the children next week: Remember to ask them to describe and explain each of the parts of their ISS!

Our Rainforest in a Jar experiments have provided a variety of successes.  These will be sent home with the children next week after reporting our final observations on Wednesday.


We have your transition Basketball and Hockey event coming up very soon!  With this in mind, our class will join with Miss Moir’s class for PE – both indoor and outdoor PE sessions.


I was extremely impressed with the effort, investigative skills and overall maturity in which each and everyone of my P7s addressed the Transition Science Project!  I was so excited to see what they would produce and I was not disappointed.  You should all be so very proud of yourselves!  I hope you all remembered to thank your parents, family and friends for their help and support with this task!  Well done!  I have no doubt Bathgate Academy will be impressed too!

Next Week

Thursday  3rd March             Masterclass: World Book Week

Dates for your diary

Thursday 17th March             Parent/Carer Consultations

Friday 18th March                  WWII Assembly

Thursday 24th March            Easter Holiday begins

Monday 11th April                  Return to school

I hope you are all having a lovely weekend.  See you on Monday.

Miss Preston x

This week in P2B……

This week in class we have been learning…..

“In maths we have been learning lots about about measure using a ruler.” – Summer S

“We have been learning lots about old and new toys.” – Hadia

“Practising our numbers and where they live on a number line.” – Leland

“We had our Mild, Spicy, Hot challenge last week and we now know lots about 2D and 3D shapes.” – Brooke

“We have been busy writing about character descriptions using adjectives.” -Jack

“We have been learning lots about nouns and we now know that nouns are naming words. For example, Summer – name, School – Place and Camera – Thing. ” -Lyle