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Young Writer Competition: P7/6

Well done to Logan, Abby R, Emma, Aiden C and Eva for being the class representatives entered into this year’s Young Writers Competition.

The children were given the task of creating an imaginative piece of writing based on our WWII learning.  They could choose to write a story, a poem, a newspaper article, a comic strip etc.   I was extremely impressed with all the pieces of writing!

Well done and good luck to our class entrants!

Miss Preston x 🙂


P6 and P7 Interschool Football

A huge well done to everyone who participated in this afternoon’s P6-P7 tournament.

Miss Moir and I were impressed with the way you participated with confidence … not to mention some fantastic skills that were on show!

Most of all we were extremely impressed with the Sportsmanship shown by all!  You did an amazing job representing Murrayfield Primary School!

We hope you all enjoyed the experience!   Not long until the next tournament.

Miss Moir, Miss Preston, Mrs Harrison and Mrs Millar

This week in P5

Our first week back kicked of with a fantastic trip to the Kelpies in Stirling. P5 learned so much. Did you know that a Kelpie is actually a Scottish water spirit and they eat humans. The boys and girls of P5 had the opportunity to explore shape and line while sketching these magnificent structures. We even had a chance to have some fun in the park before we came back to school.


P5 have been part of the Blackburn Big Clean and lent a helping hand to creating a cleaner environment in our community.


A great big thank you to the boys and girls for all the effort you have put into your homework assignment and the mums and dads that lent a helping hand. Don’t you think they look great!

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P3 Ancient Egypt Exhibition

P3 will be holding an Ancient Egypt Exhibition after next Friday’s assembly (22.4.16).

There will be things to look at. Things to play with. Things to do. And lots to learn about.

All classes are invited to come along.

There is a £1 entry fee to the exhibition.

pyramids Tutan

Adults are welcome too.

We look forward to seeing you at the exhibition.



P6 News

Well done to everyone in P6 for participating in their WW2 assembly this morning. You sang your hearts out and performed very well indeed. Great work 🙂

This week apart from practising for our assembly, P6 have been working on their story writing for the Young Writers Competition, have completed a Time Assessment to show their knowledge of telling the time and have been learning about division with remainders. A busy but fun week had by all.

We will be starting our new topic in the next week or so which will be The Human Body 🙂

Watch this space for our termly Newsletter.

Miss Moir and P6

P7/6 – Letters sent home today


Two letters were sent home with your child today:

  • Inter-school Football Tournament permission
  • Class trip to the Museum of Flight permission and EE2

If your child is attending either/both of these events we must have all completed forms and money returned to school no later than the dates stated on the letters.

Miss Preston 🙂