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This week in P5

We have been looking at:

  • The major organs in the body , their functions and naming parts of the skeleton. We even got our parents involved!
  • We are working with fractions and understand the difference between the numerator and denominator.
  • In French we counted up to 60 and revisited our knowledge of colors.
  • In PE we have been exploring Athletics and tried our hand at relay races, shot put, long jump and javelin throwing.

R0014228 R0014230R0014227R0014229  R0014231  Keep an eye out for the finished skeletons 😉

Our visit with Gemma FayR0014181

Murrayfield Nursery Class

The nursery children have been enjoying using the hospital area this week and pretending to be doctors and nurses. They have been bandaging each other and some of the nursery team as they treat pretend injuries. There was a lot of excitement in the afternoon on Wednesday when one of the nursery team discovered a pet budgie in the nursery garden. We managed to catch it and the SSPCA came to collect it later in the day. They are hopeful that they can trace it’s owner. On Thursday two parents kindly brought their young babies into the nursery so the children could ask them questions about how to care for a baby. This linked very well with the learning the children have been doing about the growth of a chicken.



Creepy Crawly news from P2A

What have been up to this week?

Ross brought in a wasps nest for us to look at – Freya

I brought in a snail – Sean – we set it free at lunchtime- Sean and Callen

We have changed the house corner into a mini beast investigation lab – Callan

minibeast investigation lab 001

These were the first scientists to go into the lab.

I took in some snail shells – Eva

We were writing a story about if we were a mini beast – Payton

(Some children were pretending to be wasps, spiders, butterflies, stick insects, bees and worms for their story.)

I took in a worm , a slug and a slater today – Aleisha but I will set them free later.

I brought in a spider egg – Jack

We have been learning about money – Sara and Brogan

We have been learning 2 times tables – Jack

We had visitors on Tuesday morning and Thursday afternoon to see our Bright Start and Problem Solving Maths – Warren.

Thank you mums and dads for coming into our classroom – Miss Adam

The Queen of the Gala Day Emma Parker came into to visit us this morning – Freya.

The Green group was reading a tricky text all about mini beasts and answering questions on it. We worked well in pairs – Jack

The Skillionaires are Eva and Sean this week – well done.






P6 News!

This week in P6 the children have started their Time topic in Numeracy and have been playing some mental maths games.

In Literacy we have been continuing our learning from last week and have been looking at figurative language. The boys and girls wrote about A Haunted House and had to include descriptive language as well as personification, onomatopoeia, alliteration, similes and metaphors to make their writing more interesting and come to life. The children then self assessed their work for their next steps. Some of the stories were very scary and created a spooky atmosphere.

In Topic we have been continuing The Human Body and have been learning about The Brain. The children also created PowerPoint presentations on a chosen organ they have learned about which I hope to upload onto the blog when they are finished.

Have a lovely weekend:)

Hope the sun is still shining!


Gala Float Committee Update

Gala Day Theme:  The 80’s

Float Theme:  Ghostbusters


We had our initial planning meeting at school on Tuesday 24th May and have agreed on ‘Ghostbusters’ as the theme for the float as this is an iconic 80’s film and it will allow us to start planning out the design of the float.

There are a small group of parents/ carers who have already volunteered their skills/ time for this and if anyone else would like to support this group please speak to a member of staff at school/ nursery or speak to Amanda Lumsden, our Chair of the Parent Council.

Some eager volunteers have already made a start on some of the designs for the float, e.g. a skyline backdrop and the Ectomobile/ Ecto–1 (vehicle used by the Ghostbusters team)

However, weGhostbusters vehicle still require a great deal of themed decorations to be drawn and painted to ensure that the whole float is decorated and ready for the procession.  You don’t need to be an amazing artist to lend a hand!  When we decorated the school 2 years ago, there was a team of people who were very artistic and who were able to draw out several designs which were then returned to school for other parents/ carers to take away and paint.

We are looking for some volunteers who might be able to draw some characters, such as the Ghostbusters team or some ghosts to decorate the float and also some people who are willing to paint these.  We are also looking for any donations of left over/ spare paint that people may have in their homes and no longer require.  There are large pieces of card available from the school that can be taken away to have designs drawn onto or painted.  If you can help with any of the above then we would be very grateful.

There will be another meeting on Wednesday 1st June at 1:30pm to bring together some ideas and discuss progress to date.  All are welcome to come along to this meeting to see how they can lend a hand.

Thank you in advance, we hope to see a number of you at the next meeting.

Making the most of the good weather in P7/6

In P7/6 we have made the most of the recent good weather and took a few of our lessons outside!


  • We have moved onto our new topic of measurement
  • We used our playground environment to test our ability to accurately estimate larger items/areas.  This activity showed this is an area we need to work on – lets hope the sunshine comes back!
  • We have also been working on volume and capacity using ml/cl/l

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Last week we began our new IDL topic on the human body.  We have been learning about a variety of internal organs of the human body and their purpose within the different internal systems. We consolidated our learning of organs  by going outside and tracing around each other and showing the location of the main organs.  This week we moved onto the Digestive System.

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This week we have been focusing on the grammar rules around speech marks.  The children are being encouraged to increase the variety of punctuation they use in all their written work.  Functional writing task this week was to describe the internal workings of the Digestive System.


The class have been learning about Buddhism.

Transition: P6

Our P6s have been spending time getting to know their buddies that are coming up to P1 in August.  Miss Moir and I are working on a P6 to P7 transition timetable for 7-10th June.

Transition: P7

Our P7s are getting very excited about their forthcoming move onto S1. Yesterday the Welcome Packs were shared with the children.  They were all desperate to find out what class they will be in, what ‘new’ subjects are Abby R looking to know what Humanities is … whilst Emma P was unable to control her excitement that Roast Beef is on the menu! 🙂 🙂

** Please note, on the bus timetable it states that the bus leaves Bathgate Road at 8.05 – the bus actually leaves earlier than this.  I have advised that the children make their way to the bus stop by 7.50am in order to ensure they do not miss it **

Blackburn’s Got Talent 2016!

The school finals will be taking place next Friday, with the upper school semis taking place next Thursday.  With this in mind, our class auditions will take place on Wednesday after lunch!  Anyone wishing to share their talent … GET PRACTICING!  🙂 🙂

Wishing you all a fantastic long weekend!

Miss Preston and Miss Akram


P5 this week

We had great fun looking at our bodies. We explored the skeleton and the major organs.

A huge congratulations to Abbie for winning first prize fo
r her excellent Scottish review on the Gruffalo’s Wean




Connor won the runners up prize for his review.


Well done guys!!  R0014120

Cross Country

Last Thursday a group of 17 P6 children represented Murrayfield at a Cluster Cross Country event. It was a beautiful day and the group had lots of fun taking part in the race and playing in the park. Although both groups came last, the children were excellent team players and supported one another during the race. They also felt that the running was very hard work, particularly up the very steep hill.

Well done those who took part!

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