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Rookie Rockstars Concert – Thursday 22nd September 2016 at 6.30pm








As you will be aware Rookie Rockstars have been working with the whole school over the last week.  The children have had a brilliant time and have taken part in several sessions learning songs and about how to be a Rockstar! The children have the opportunity to perform these songs in a concert which will take place on Thursday 22nd September at 6.30pm.

The concert will last for approximately 1 hour and all pupils are welcome to come along and take part in the performance.  It is not essential to dress up but pupils are welcome to dress like Rockstars if they wish…no school uniform required!! Your child is required to arrive by 6.00pm in order to get ready for the start of the concert.  Doors open at 6.15pm for our audience.

Air guitars at the ready!!!  We hope to see you all there….Rock on Murrayfield!


Please note, this event is now sold out and tickets are no longer available to purchase.


What a great week working with Rookie Rockstars! I am very proud to say that P5 showed fantastic participation and behavior during these sessions. Remember the show is next Thursday evening at 6:30pm.

P5 worked with Mrs Stewart this week on number talks – this helps the children develop and discuss different strategies when working with numbers.

We explored food chains during our topic and found it very interesting to see that when you remove one part of the food chain it effects the entire rest of the chain.

In PE we worked on our lower body and leg muscles through a group called fresh start. The children participated enthusiastically and gave it 100% – Mrs Sneddon is still a bit sore.

Murrayfield House and Vice House Captains 2016

Congratulations to the following pupils, who found out today that they had been selected by the pupils of Murrayfield to become our new House Captains and Vice Captains.  We wish you great success in your new roles.

Well done to all our P7 pupils who applied for the role of House Captain.  We were very impressed by your confidence and maturity during the selection process.

News from P7

This week in Murrayfield we have had the opportunity to take part in Rookie Rockstars. Rookie Rockstars are a band that promote anti-bullying and friendship. We have been learning lots of songs and dances and we will be taking part in a concert next Thursday at 6.30pm. Come along to the school and have some fun dressed as Rockstars. We even got to record our singing and design a CD cover for a competition. Fingers crossed for everyone in P7!


Here is a lovely photo of our new House and Vice Captains!

Congratulations to:

Aimee Clifton, House Captain of Stewart

Ruby East, Vice Captain of Stewart

Lenny Murage, House Captain of Douglas

Max Neary, Vice Captain of Douglas

Summer Harkison, House Captain of Bruce

Rachel Laidlaw, Vice Captain of Bruce

We will be supporting them as best we can throughout P7 and giving them ideas to make our school a better place to work and play in 🙂

Also a big well done to those who participated in the votes but sadly didn’t get chosen. You are a credit to Murrayfield.

Have a great long weekend!! See you all on Wednesday.

P7/6 latest news

Hello and welcome to our latest blog entry. This week we have:

  • Continued practicing our cursive handwriting
  • Place value work in maths
  • Rookie Rockstars were in all week with the whole school. They taught us 5 songs and we recorded a CD on Thursday. We have a Rookie Rockstar concert next Thursday at 6.30 p.m. in the school and we hope to see you there.
  • Mr Richards took part in a rap battle together with Miss Moir and 2 primary 7 children. Obviously Mr Richards & Miss Moir won!!
  • We took part in a DJ session where we learned how to use mixing decks, play a DJ set and  how to make your own tracks! It was really loud but brilliant fun.
  • We learned about the Japanese Art Form of Origami (paper folding).

Have a lovely holiday weekend and see you all next week!

Thanks to Lisa, Leah G and Leah W for helping with this week’s blog.

P5 news

This week we have started on our topic – Rain forests. We familiarized ourselves with atlases and  found the Rain forests.

We explored the different levels of the Rainforest and even designed our own new specie of animal to live in the Rainforest.

In PE we are looking at the skills involved in the game volleyball and we have discussed what happens to our bodies when we exercise.

We are finishing off with place value and will be moving on to addition in numeracy and have been working on grid referencing in math using a compass.

The latest from P4

This week, with Mrs McGlynn, we have been continuing to learn about symmetry and have completed pictures using mirrors.

Mr Richards has been helping us to learn the skill of dribbling the ball with a hockey stick. He also let us paint the classroom in our drama – don’t worry Miss Macrae, we were just pretending!

Our writing this week was about our first day at school and we had to make sure that what we wrote made sense, that we had used the correct punctuation and that we had spelled our common words correctly.

Partitioning has been the word of the week in Numeracy. We have been partitioning 2- and 3-digit numbers, which means we have been breaking them down into parts and showing the value of the digits.

eg. 68 can be broken down into 6 tens (60), and 8 units (8)

So 68 = 60 + 8

Our topic, with Mrs McGlynn, is Charities and we already have a homework challenge to complete.  This fits in really nicely with our learning with Mrs Stewart, as we are going to be learning about the work of the RNIB which we will share with you at our assembly in October. Watch out for spots before your eyes!

We are SO excited about being Rookie Rockstars  – can’t wait for the team to visit next week!

Golden Time has had a strange effect on Mrs Stewart, she’s turned into a teddy! Wait a minute, no she hasn’t, it’s Lauren’s Barney bear that came for a visit! 🙂

Have a great weekend!

This week in P6/5

We have been busy doing writing about our “Big Talk” topic, using our senses to describe what you would hear, see, touch, smell and feel in the Rainforest.   It was quite scary because we didn’t have very much time to write but we think we will get better at doing it.  We had to imagine ourselves in the Rainforest and write about it.

We’ve started to build our Rainforest display and we’ve looked in the atlases to find where the Rainforests are.  We think our display with look awesome when it is finished.  Come and have a look in a few weeks.

In PE, we did rugby and tennis.  We had to work on our hand-eye co-ordination and team skills.

One group in Maths played spin-to-win to improve their technique on the laptops for playing more maths games.  Another group was on the carpet with Mrs Harrison using hundreds, tens and units to build numbers and learn place value.  The Circles used Numicon and they said a number and their partner built the number.

Have a lovely week!


P7 News

This week P7 completed their first Big Writing lesson which was helped by the Big Talk homework. Thank you to all parents who participated in supporting their child with their Big Talk. There will be a new subject to discuss today for Tuesday. Also a big thank you to all p7 pupils as their homework was of a very high standard this week. Please keep it up 🙂

In maths, we have been learning about place value and we will be given homework on this next week. For our topic we completed PowerPoints on different natural disasters. Please have a look at our work as they are very informative 🙂

In other news, our school came second in Sports Scotland and received a silver award. This is the first time we have applied for this so well done Murrayfield!!




Thunder & Lightning


forest fire

Primary 2F

What have we been learning this week?

We were writing about being super heroes with super powers – Kailli

We have been practising  our Handwriting – Alfie

We have been learning to tell the time – Brooke

We have been learning o’clock and half past – Cameron

We have been doing reading – Jamie

We have been matching common words – Kirsty

We have been learning about Healthy eating – Jase

We have been learning about how much sugar is in drinks – William

We were learning about before/after numbers in maths – Ethan

We were playing “Killer 20”  – Riley. (This is a maths game).

We were throwing and catching with Mrs McGlynn in outdoor PE – Sean

We were playing Zoom in Drama – Kailli

We drew a picture of “what we wanted to be when we grew up” for Miss Black in Drama P2F silly pic