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P5 news

P5 worked hard to complete their rainforest animal fact files through using power point.

We did some exciting number talks this week and worked on doubles and addition.

We welcomed a new friend to our class. We hope that Ahtasham has many happy memories with P5.

P5 found this weeks big write a bit tricky. Not always that easy to write about your best friend. However everyone tried their best and P5 has some very special friends.

We looked at using line and shape when drawing animals for our fact files.

The boys and girls did some fantastic work creating their own grid references and we are eager to hear what P5/6 think once they have completed our questions.

Blissful day at BLES

Our final groups of P7 pupils from Murrayfield and Blackburn Primaries had a chance to join in the fun at BLES today. They were given the opportunity to learn skills for life under the expert guidance of the BLES team. Over the course of the day, within their groups, they: recreated a mural to replicate one put together by Blackburn’s 3 primary schools a few years ago as part of CAB transition work; learned joinery skills and were helped to use a range of manual and power tools to build their own bird house which they were allowed to take home; found about electrical sources, fuses, fuse boxes and electrical supplies and then learned how to wire a plug and strip wires. All of our children had the most amazing experience and learned skills which they will be able to take forward in a wide range of practical situations throughout their lives. Lynne Wishart from BLES told us that the staff were all really impressed by the children’s enthusiasm and behaviour over the 3 day period and that working with them had been like a breath of fresh air. We are really proud of all our pupils and would like to thank all of the wonderful staff at BLES and those who have sponsored this project for giving us this unique opportunity. It was a wonderful experience.

Parent Consultations – Online Booking System

We have a new parent/ carer consultation online booking system in place for you to use to book an appointment with your child’s class teacher to discuss how they have settled into the new session and progress being made.

Your child has been given a printed ‘Parents’ Guide for Booking Appointments’ instruction sheet for you which explains how to access this system.  The following link should take you directly to this online booking system:

Please contact the office if you have any problems accessing this site or are unable to use the online system for any reason.  Appointments can still be arranged by contacting the office, where a suitable slot can be booked for you.

P4 – Mrs Stewart and Mrs McGlynn’s pupils

Please note these appointment are not available online at this time as they are taking place on an alternative date.  These will be available shortly and we will let you know when these become available to book.



Rookie Rockstars

Here are some lovely photos of our Rookie Rockstars taken from backstage at Thursday night’s concert. Apologies if we did not manage to get a photo of your child. They were so excited that it was hard to pin them down for more than a few seconds at a time!

What a terrific night and thank you to all of our Rookie Rockstars. You were amazing!

If you click on the photos, you should be able to scroll through them and see the full picture.

[gallery columns=”4″ ids=”7096,7097,7098,7099,7100,7101,7102,7103,7104,7105,7106,7107,7108,7109,7110,7111,7112,7113,7114,7115,7116,7117,7118,7119,7120,7121,7122,7123,7124,7125,7126,7127,7128,7129,7130

Update from the superheroes of P2S

Another busy week in P2S!

We have been learning about people who protect us – Robert

We have been learning to do handwriting – Jay James

We learned how to do joined up letters – Leah

We have been learning about tens and units – Robert

We have been pretending to be teachers in maths – Lucas

We have been drawing people who help us at school – Peter

We had fun at Rookie Rockstars – Melanie

We took photos of people who help us in school – Amber

We learned a place value song to help us remember which order the tens and units go in – Elsie

We did number talks – Peter

We had to explain how to make a number – Elsie

We know that if the big hand is on the 12 its o’clock – Mason

If the small hand is on the 6 it’s half past – Jay James

The winning superheroes this week were the Superkids! Well done superkids who got the most points and won a prize from the golden box! 🙂

P7 News!

Another super week for p7 with the Rookie Rockstars concert on Thursday night. Well done to Naomi who won a bracelet band for being an effective contributor during the performance 🙂

We have been working hard on our class display this week and it will be up and ready for Parents Evening. The class have worked really hard and I am very impressed with their artistic skills. We have also been working on our place value. Thank you for all the homework that has been handed in. A great start to the year in Numeracy!

Next week primary 7 will be taking part in BLES training which is a fantastic opportunity for them. Please make sure the EE2 and lunch forms are back into school no later than Monday 26th of September. Your child must wear school uniform on the day and please make sure they bring a jacket as we will be walking to BLES and back, which is close to the Cairn Hotel.

Have a lovely weekend!

Learning in P6/5

Primary Six pupils had a music assessment this week. They were asked to sing in tune and clap in rhythm. Many of our Primary Six pupils are hoping to be selected to play a musical instrument.

In Mental Maths we have focused on developing the strategy of rounding to the nearest multiple of ten to add on or subtract a number, e.g. 49 + 11 or 76 + 9 =.  Dean thought this strategy was fun and Lara said it is an efficient strategy for solving problems.

On Thursday night, we had a Rookie Rockstars concert. We hope you enjoyed the concert and managed to order our CD.

In reading, we were learning about how to summarise a text. We learnt through reading about the rainforests, that tribal people harvest the plants and they help to keep the ecosystem healthy.

One of the challenges we completed this week was to make up an A-Z list of rainforest creatures.

On Wednesday afternoon, the pupils got to choose a careers masterclass to learn more about what it would be like to be in a specific job in the future. The jobs ranged from Archaeologist, Animal Welfare Inspector, an Engineer, Graphic Designer, Farming and Police Officer.  The main theme we gained from the masterclass is that we can be whatever we want to be!   We need to try hard to achieve our goals!