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Safer Internet Day 2018

Key messages

Safer Internet Day (SID) is organised by the joint Insafe/INHOPE network, with the support of the European Commission*, each February to promote the safe and positive use of digital technology, especially among children and young people. Celebrated on the second day of the second week of the second month, each year on Safer Internet Day millions of people unite to inspire positive change and raise awareness of online safety issues and participate in events and activities right across the globe.

Safer Internet Day aims to not only create a safer internet but also a better internet, where everyone is empowered to use technology responsibly, respectfully, critically and creatively.

Safer Internet Day aims to reach out to children and young people, parents and carers, teachers, educators and social workers, as well as industry, decision makers and politicians, to encourage everyone to play their part in creating a better internet.

By celebrating the positive power of the internet, the 2018 Safer Internet Day theme of “Create, Connect and Share Respect: a better internet starts with you” encourages everyone to join the global movement, to participate, to make the most of the internet’s potential to bring people together.

With a global, community-led approach, Safer Internet Day 2018 encourages everyone to join and play their part. There are many ways to do this:

  • Children and young people can help to create a better internet by being kind and respectful to others online, by protecting their online reputations (and those of others), and by seeking out positive opportunities to create, engage and share online.


  • Parents and carers play a crucial role in empowering and supporting children to use technology responsibly, respectfully, critically and creatively, whether it is by ensuring an open dialogue with their children, educating them to use technology safely and positively, or by acting as digital role models.


  • Teachers, educators and social workerscan help to create a better internet by equipping their pupils and students with digital literacy skills and by developing their critical thinking skills, which will allow them to better navigate the online world. They can empower them to create their own content, make positive choices online and can set a personal example of online behaviour for their pupils and students.


  • Industry can help to create a better internet by creating and promoting positive content and safe services online, and by empowering users to respond to any issues by providing clear safety advice, a range of easy-to-use safety tools, and quick access to support if things do go wrong.


  • Decision makers and politicians need to provide the culture in which all of the above can function and thrive – for example, by ensuring that there are opportunities in the curriculum for children to learn about online safety, ensuring that parents and carers have access to appropriate information and sources of support, and that industry are encouraged to self-regulate their content and services. They must also take the lead in governance and legislation, and ultimately ensure the safety and wellbeing of children and young people through effective child protection strategies for the online world.


  • Everyone has a responsibility to make a positive difference online. We can all promote the positive by being kind and respectful to others and seeking out positive opportunities to create and connect. We can all respond to the negative by reporting any inappropriate or illegal content.


We invite everyone to join us, and Safer Internet Day supporters across the globe, to help create a better internet on Tuesday, 6 February 2018 and, indeed, throughout the whole year. A better internet starts with you!


Find out more about the global campaign for Safer Internet Day at

Find out more about the UK campaign for Safer Internet Day at


* Safer Internet Day would not be possible without the support of the European Commission. Currently the funding is provided by the Connecting Europe Facility programme (CEF). Find out more about the EC’s “European Strategy for a Better Internet for Children” on the European Commission’s website.

Happy New Year from P.4

Biscuit and Blether was a huge success today!  I have given each child a Parent information sheet home with them today and this will help give you ideas.

Your child will be given their homework, starting on Monday (15.1.18).  Your child will take home their library books instead of their class reading book. Please can you ensure homework is returned each Thursday.

PE will be on a Monday and a Thursday, please can you ensure that children have an indoor and outdoor PE kit.

Many thanks and congratulations to P.4 for having a successful first week back!

Mrs Glancy

Our Week in P3

Happy New Year from everyone in Primary 3! Our first week back has been very busy and terrific.

We have written our holiday news this week and made our work exciting by including word boost words.

We thought about some new year’s resolutions and have set ourselves some targets for the rest of P3 (UNCRC article 12 – the right to be listened to and taken seriously).

We have been practising our handwriting and planned what we are going to do to improve our writing even more this year.

In maths we have already started to think about our times tables and will keep practising these in class and at home.

In numeracy we have been rounding numbers to the nearest 10, thinking about place value as well estimating where to put numbers on an empty number line.

We have enjoyed our daily mile and will continue this next week.

In class we have started reading our new class novel, Charlie and The Chocolate Factory. We are enjoying this so far and look forward to reading more.

Have a marvellous weekend,

Primary 3 and Miss Calder

Deputy First Minister’s Christmas Maths Challenge, give it a go!

A family fun maths challenge has been sent out by the Scottish Government, in partnership with the Scottish Mathematical Council. This has been issued to P6 pupils, as requested, however we think that we should share it with all pupils.

This is an ideal opportunity to challenge yourselves over the Christmas holidays when you are bored with all your new games and there’s no more chocolate left to eat!
Once you’ve challenged yourself, leave a comment and let us know how you got on!

Merry Christmas to you all and remember – Maths isn’t just for Christmas!!! ;_)

Mrs Stewart.

P7/6 News :)

I just wanted to say I hope all parents and carers of p7/6 have a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

The boys and girls are looking forward to their party this afternoon and a week filled with festive fun. Mrs Harrison, Mrs Sneddon and myself will be having a DVD treat afternoon tomorrow. If anyone would like to bring in a film from home that would be lovely, but please make sure it is a U certification. Children can also bring in a small snack for the DVD if they wish.

Really looking forward to the Panto on Thursday!

Stay safe over the holidays!

From Miss Moir

P4, P5/4 and P5 party!

Just a wee reminder – the party for P4s and P5s will be on Monday morning.
Children can come to school in their party gear but should bring their school uniform in a bag to change into, afterwards. (This will ensure they have warm clothing when they are outside at break and lunchtimes)
Thanks for your co-operation!

Mrs Stewart, Miss Hanlon, Mrs Glancy and Mrs Craig.

Congratulations to the P4-7 choir!

Well done to our wonderful choir, who sang so beautifully at Tesco last week. There were many lovely comments from Tesco customers, complimenting them on their performance.
More importantly, the children donated all their collection money to Tesco’s nominated charities – The British Heart Foundation and Diabetes UK.
The sum raised, in less than an hour, was an amazing £97!!!
Congratulation to each and every one of you – you are all stars!

Mrs Stewart. 🙂