All posts by Miss Hanlon

P 5/4 News.

We have been very busy over the last while in P 5/4.
Here are some of the highlights of what we have been up to –

-Our visit to the Royal Concert Hall in Glasgow to see Author’s Live.
– Sport’s day.
– Mr. Hunter from Scottish Water coming in to speak to us and P 4.
– Presenting our Ancient Greece homework.
– Big Art Attack.
– Heartstart – showing off our CPR.
– Our Eco Fashion Show.
– Golfing.
-Meeting the Fire Brigade.
– Soccer Aid

There are more exciting activities planned for this week as well. 🙂

Miss Hanlon and P 5/4.

P 5/4 school daily uniform news

Next week Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday you can wear what ever you want. We have to wear our school uniform on Thursday and Friday.

Written by Kirsty, Evie and Megan.

(Just a reminder that the children can wear non school uniform on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next week, but they are asked to wear school uniform on Thursday and Friday.)

Grand Library Opening

Dear parents and carers we are here to inform you that on Friday
22nd June Murrayfield Primary School are having a grand library opening and are allowed to wear pyjamas or dress up as a book character.We hope to see everyone dressed down on Friday.

This was written by Cara, Erica and Amy-Leigh.

Miss Hanlon and P 5/4.

P 5, P 4, P 5/4 Trip News

Dear parents and carers just to let you know P 5, P 4 and P 5/4 are going on a trip to Muiravonside country park.We would like to tell you about what we are wearing to Muiravonside country park.You need to wear your school top,anything that’s is comfy for your child to wear on your bottom half and for your child’s shoes anything that is comfy.

This was written by Summer S, Sara and Freya.

(Just a reminder about the trip tomorrow to Muiravonside. Children are asked to wear their uniform top and they may wear comfortable bottoms, such as leggings. We also ask that they wear comfortable footwear as well. )

Thank you.
P 5/4.

P 5/4

This week P 5/4 have been finding out about what a Role Model is and discussing who our own Role Models are. We then drew our own Role Models and wrote about why they were our Role Model. There were lots of Famous Celebrity Role Models, as well as lots of mum’s and dad’s.
We have also been learning about Time in Mathematics and Numeracy. We drew our own clocks, which have helped us to understand analogue clock time better.
We have been continuing with our Persuasive writing in class and this week Miss Hanlon asked us if we thought we should ban P.E in school? There were a lot of good discussions about it helping to keep boys and girls healthy.
Finally, yesterday afternoon we continued to find out more about Ancient Greece and Ancient Greek people. We had to pretend to be Archaeologists and investigate what the Ancient Greek people used to eat. We researched some information on the internet and used some topic books all about Ancient Greece to help us. We had to carefully exhume some food in the sandpit and then we had to get our hands dirty by examining some fake poo, to find out what the Ancient Greek people might have eaten. There were a lot of silly faces being made when we were examining the fake poo, but we all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.
P 5/4, Miss Hanlon and Mrs. Stewart.

P 5/4.

We have been very busy in Primary 5/4 over the last few weeks.

We have been learning about Time, such as days of the week and months. Looking at half past, quarter to, quarter past and o’clock on an analogue clock.
We have been looking at lots of different ways in which we can measure time, such as using a Sun dial. Miss Hanlon would of loved to have taken us outside to make our own Sundials yesterday, but unfortunately the clouds have been hiding the sun. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that the sun comes out again soon for us.

We have been discussing our own personal strengths and weaknesses in Health and Well being, which we all found a lot more difficult than we thought it would be to begin with. We also spoke about what we could all do to become more confident in our own abilities and as people.

In our Big Writing this week, we have began to find out about Persuasive writing. We had a discussion about whether or not we should wear school uniform or not. We had to think about why school uniform was good to have to begin with and then we had to talk about why we thought we shouldn’t wear school uniform as well. Surprisingly some children changed their minds from being against wearing school uniform at the beginning of the lesson to being for wearing school uniform at the end of our discussions.
(Some children did ask if this meant we were now not going to have to wear school uniform and I assured them that no, they would still have to wear school uniform regardless if they wanted to or not.)

Finally we have started to learn about our Topic, which is Ancient Greece. We had a look at some Ancient Greek vases and paintings and tried to make our very own Ancient Greek vases from clay.
Miss Hanlon was very proud of us all and thinks we have all done a very good job of our Ancient Greek vases. (One child asked if they could sell theirs and if they did, did they think they would get at least £10 for it?.)

We also shared our exciting news of our two latest additions to the class and Miss Hanlon can happily say that they are still swimming away happily.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

P 5/4, Miss Hanlon and Mrs.Stewart.

P 5/4.

P 5/4 have some exciting news to share with you all!
We would like to introduce you to the newest members of our class- Nemo and Mickey.
(Nemo is the orange fish and Mickey is the bluey fish)

After a quick vote we decided on these two names and are all really excited to help look after our new pets.



p 5/4 and Miss Hanlon.

P 5/4.

Here are some of the red and blue groups spelling words, which I discussed with some parents during Parent’s evening. We will be looking at these words over the next few weeks, but please note these may change slightly in class.

red spelling term 4

Blue group spelling for term 4

Here are also some Maths and Numeracy sheets that you can work on at home. These are not homework and I do not need to see your answers to these, they are just extra practice for you.





The spelling will open through a word document if you download the link and the Maths will open up through a PDF document, which you can print off if you wish.

As always, if you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to speak to me about anything.

Enjoy the rest of the holidays and I will see you all on Monday.
Miss Hanlon.

P 5/4.

Happy Easter to you all. I hope you all have had a lovely Easter Sunday and have been enjoying the holidays so far.

I apologize for not being able to give out some Maths and Spelling over the holidays, I have been having problems with my printer, scanner and copier at home. Hopefully I will be able to get some of these put up onto the blog over the next week.

In the meantime, here are a few pictures of what we have been up to over the last few weeks.

Enjoy the rest of your holidays.
Miss Hanlon. 🙂