Category Archives: Primary 7

Primary 7 Update

Good Afternoon

We have started to explore India, using our geography skills to locate it and identify the countries surrounding India.

In Science we are finding out more about the body, our main focus this week was the skeleton. We had great fun completing a timed challenge of correctly naming as many bones as possible in ten minutes. Mrs Anderson was kind and allowed us to use the internet. It will be interesting to find out more about how the body works.

We are all enjoying our novels in Literacy and have enjoyed creating interesting and though provoking questions using our new ‘Thinking Dice’.

All the Primary 7’s attended a Ceilidh at Bathgate Academy on Tuesday. This was a great opportunity to apply our fabulous Scottish Country Dancing skills. We made Mrs Anderson and Mrs Stewart very proud by representing the school in a mature and enthusiastic manner!! Keep an eye on the blog for pictures!
We are looking forward to our Community Ceilidh on Wednesday!!

Have a great weekend and stay safe…

Primary 7 🙂

P7/6 Latest News

P7/6 have been working very hard on their ceilidh dancing and their new topic, Japan. We are creating a display for our new topic. P7s went to Bathgate Academy to do a ceilidh with other p7s at other schools (photos to follow). All of the p7s and 6s are doing a community ceilidh. P7/6 have been working extremely hard on character description by using pen and not making as many mistakes. In spelling we are learning our soft C and prefixes. We have also been learning direct speech.
CAB started and three people from p6, p7/6 and p7 are going down to the Mill to raise awareness for CAB.
We’ve been getting to know the new acting Principal Teacher, Ms Taylor, as she has been in class taking lessons and also teaching us basketball, in P.E.
We are learning our weather and seasons in French with Mrs Stewart. The Skillionaire has started up since the new term.
Mrs Stewart asked us about which books and authors we would like for our class to read, so we all shared our ideas. Mrs Stewart gave the list to Ms McCrae and she said she can order some copies of the books!!
Naomi and Abi

Weekly Update – P7

This week in Primary 7 we have been learning across the curriculum, for example Literacy, Numeracy, French and one of our new topics is India.

In Literacy we have been learning all about similes and metaphors through songs and other activities working towards being able to use them in our writing. An example of a simile is…  Her hair is as black as the night sky.  An example of a metaphor is… The car was the colour of blood.  We have also been editing our character descriptions and redrafting them to make sure they make sense before we create a display of our work.

In French we have been remembering the greetings that would be used in a conversation. We chose a partner and created a French conversation mat.  This will help us practise and become more confident when having our own French conservations.

This term in Numeracy we have all changed teachers, classes and are all learning different things. It has been great fun! In Mrs Anderson’s class we have been practising division and multiplication. The first thing we do is quickly complete six sums, we have named this our Speedy Starter and it has one addition sum, one subtraction, one multiplication, one division, a wee fraction and a spicy challenge including all the operations and even some percentages!!

In Miss Moir’s class we have been concentrating on our multiplication and it becoming more challenging, for example 29×3 = ……  and 149×5 ……

It has been a lovely week!

Have a great weekend!

Alana Brown and Eve McCready

This week in Primary 7…

Primary 7 have enjoyed lots of fun activities like spelling, maths, reading, art and country dancing.  In Country Dancing, we all had to find a partner; most of us didn’t want to dance with a boy\girl! The dance we learned was the Canadian Barn Dance and we had lots of fun learning all the steps and swapping partners!

In Literacy we used our art skill also by creating posters for the P1 and P2 Wriggly Nativity.  We learned all about the features of a poster, like bold lettering, catchy slogans, interesting illustrations and lots of colour. We also had to make sure it had all the information needed! Our posters all looked amazing!  Photos to follow! J

We were a quality audience for the Wriggly Nativity and loved the performance, Primary 1 and Primary 2 really shone as bright as Bethlehem’s Star!!  A massive well done from Primary 7!!!

We have been continuing our class novel Private Peaceful. So far Tommo had stolen the Colonel’s dog Bertha because he was going to shot her! P7 love the book and can’t wait to find out what happens next!

This week in spelling we learned all about mnemonics and tried to create some catchy rhymes to remember our spelling words.  We have used active spelling activities like back writing, whiteboard races, play dough, lego and spelling pebbles.   We always enjoy our spelling activities each week J

In Numeracy we have been learning about subtraction, adding, time and lots more! Most of us have been doing different challenges and assessments so the teacher can help us progress with our learning.

We have also enjoyed taking part in an interactive Glow Meet called ‘Choices for Life’, through this we learned more about peer pressure and making good choices.

Another great week in P7 🙂

Blog writers Kieran, Lauryn, George, Dylan and Amy

Christmas Party Time!

Christmas Parties start next week!

Tuesday 16th December – Primary 3 and 2

Wednesday 17th December – Primary 1

Thursday 18th December – Primary 5 and 4

Monday 22nd December – Primary 7 and 6

Christmas Parties will be as year groups.  All parties are in the afternoon.  Pupils can bring their party clothes on the day to change into.  Pupils are welcome to go home for lunch in order to change, but must inform the school.