Weekly Update – P7

This week in Primary 7 we have been learning across the curriculum, for example Literacy, Numeracy, French and one of our new topics is India.

In Literacy we have been learning all about similes and metaphors through songs and other activities working towards being able to use them in our writing. An example of a simile is…  Her hair is as black as the night sky.  An example of a metaphor is… The car was the colour of blood.  We have also been editing our character descriptions and redrafting them to make sure they make sense before we create a display of our work.

In French we have been remembering the greetings that would be used in a conversation. We chose a partner and created a French conversation mat.  This will help us practise and become more confident when having our own French conservations.

This term in Numeracy we have all changed teachers, classes and are all learning different things. It has been great fun! In Mrs Anderson’s class we have been practising division and multiplication. The first thing we do is quickly complete six sums, we have named this our Speedy Starter and it has one addition sum, one subtraction, one multiplication, one division, a wee fraction and a spicy challenge including all the operations and even some percentages!!

In Miss Moir’s class we have been concentrating on our multiplication and it becoming more challenging, for example 29×3 = ……  and 149×5 ……

It has been a lovely week!

Have a great weekend!

Alana Brown and Eve McCready

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