Category Archives: Primary 6

Welcome to Primary 6/5

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The pupils of Primary 6/5 have had a great first week back to school.

This week’s learning focused on getting to know one another, classroom organisation and expectations for the year. We have enjoyed playing a variety of games and participating in group challenges.  The favourite challenge of the week seemed to be working in pairs or trios to create the longest paper chain they could from one A3 piece of paper. I’m sure you’ll agree from the pictures, the children excelled in the challenge! Well done P6/5!

In Art, the children were inspired by Paul Klee’s ‘The Blue Night Sky’ to create their own fantastic pictures using their own names. I’m looking forward to displaying them in the classroom. I hope you can manage to meet on the teacher on Wednesday 31st August, where you will have an opportunity to view their work.

We also had an interesting discussion on the Perfect Pupil and Terrific Teacher – with all the groups expecting every individual in the class to be respectful, kind, hard working and encouraging towards each other.  Hopefully all parents and carers can help their child to strive towards these values throughout the year!

The class charter is yet to be created, but we’re well on our way with developing ideas on the best way to display the rights and rules of the classroom. Watch this space for a photo of either an Olympic or Pokemon themed charter.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


P7/6 first week back!

Hi everybody and welcome to our first blog of the new school year!

We have had a busy first week and have settled into our new class really well. This week we have:

  • Learned about square roots
  • Handwriting practice
  • Mental maths and some tricky subtraction sums
  • Mnemonics (using our names!)
  • Spelling Test
  • Developed our class charter (Pirate theme!)
  • Mile walk
  • P7’s spent the week helping their buddies
  • Money quiz

A big thank you to Alyssa, Aarin and Weston for completing the blog this week! Have a nice weekend and see you again next week!!

Sports Day Results

Not put off by less than fantastic weather, Murrayfield Primary School Sports Day 2016 went ahead. Pupils from each class took part in a wide range of athletic challenges to earn points for their house, Bruce, Douglas, Stewart or Wallace.

After a titanic struggle the results are as follows:

1st Bruce – 1740 points

2nd Douglas – 1710 points

3rd Wallace – 1660 points

4th Stewart – 1640 points

Well done to everyone who took part and a big congratulations to everyone in Bruce for their winning score.

And finally a massive thanks to all the parents and carers who turned up on the day to support the event.

P6 and P7 NSPCC Assembly and Workshops

Dear Parent/ Carer,

ChildLine Schools Service will be holding an assembly and follow up workshops on Tuesday 14th June for all P6 and P7 pupils, with a specific focus on ‘Keeping Safe.’  Parents/ Carers have the choice whether they would like their child to attend these sessions or not and can contact the office or complete the tear off slip attached to the letter if they do not wish for their child to take part. (P7 Bathgate Academy Transition pupils will bring their letters home on Monday)

I have attached links to a Parent Question and Answer document and also a copy of the letter sent home to provide you with more details regarding this service and the content of the assembly and workshops.

Please do not hesitate to contact the office for more details or if you have any additional questions.

16.06.08 NSPCC Permission Letter P6-P7

NSPCC Questions & Answers for Parents and Carers


You can also visit  for more information.


Mrs Waugh

P6 Trip to Edinburgh :)

Hi everyone,

P6 had a wonderful day in Edinburgh yesterday as part of their WW2 topic. We visited Edinburgh castle and took part in a WW2 experience and then where taken on a short tour of the Scots Guard. The WW2 experience allowed the children to try on authentic clothing from the 40’s, learn about 4 people who lived during the war and explore the different objects, toys and general equipment people used. It was really good fun and the children learned a lot about what life was like during WW2.

We then headed down The Royal Mile to Chamber Street Museum where we went to the Lego exhibit. The children played with some Lego, saw the fantastic models and watched someone build a replica of the museum. He reckoned it would take around 80,000 Lego bricks to build it! Wow!

A fabby day was had by all…here are some photos to see for yourselves 🙂



Euroquiz 2016

A huge “Well done” to Jura, Lenny, Laura and Brodie who represented Murrayfield at this year’s Euroquiz at Howden Park Centre on Friday.  As always, there was stiff opposition and it was incredible to see how knowledgeable the children of West Lothian are about Europe.

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There were 4 different categories of questions:

1.  The European Parliament

2. Languages

3. Geography

4.  General knowledge

I’m sure a lot of us would have found most of the questions really challenging.  For example, how many of you can name the national anthems of different European countries off the top of your head, say which countries invented different things, or even recall different facts about the members of the European Parliament?

P6’s Team Murrayfield did us proud once again.  Thank you all for your hard work!

P6 & P7 Outdoor Education Residential Trip – Dalguise Activity Centre, Perthshire Monday 31st October – Friday 4th November 2016

PGL Logo

We requested a note of interest from our current P5 and P6 pupils who would like to attend the residential trip to Dalguise Adventure Centre in Perthshire, which was provisionally booked to take place in the Autumn term.  We are delighted by the response and pleased to say that there has been enough interest to allow the camp to go ahead. Thank you to everyone who has paid their deposits to secure a place.  The children will experience a range of activities and challenges throughout their stay.  Further information regarding camp will follow shortly, in the meantime if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the school.

Please click on the link below to have a closer look at Dalguise Adventure Centre and to find out a little more about the facilities and activities available.