All posts by Mrs Craig

Primary 5

Primary 5 have been up to a lot this week.

Handball Tournament

The handball tournament involved Primary 5 playing against other Primary 5’s from Simpson Primary and Our Lady of Lourdes. It was exciting. We all played mini games that lasted 7-8 minutes each. We got a certificate to say well done for taking part.




The squares and pentagons were learning about symmetry. We found lines of symmetry and created our own. We completed Christmas symmetry images.

The circles were learning about time duration. We also had to write times in digital time.

We all learned about weight. We learned how to weigh things and how to read the scale. We had to use these skills to help Eddie the Elf measure how heavy some presents were because he had to put them into Santa’s sleigh from heaviest to lightest.



We had to create persuasive letters to convince Santa to put our French puppet Jean-Paul back on his nice list. He was on the naughty list because he jumbled up our computer cables. We had to list reasons why Santa should put him back on the nice list. Some of us thought it might have been Eddie the Elf who mixed them up. We will never know….


We hope you have a lovely weekend .

Remember P5 and P4 have their Christmas Party on Monday afternoon.





What P5 have been doing this week


We have been looking at time. We know that the 9 on the clock means quarter to and the 3 on the clock means quarter past.

The squares were converting 12 hour time to 24 hour time. Some of us have learned how to make a train timetable using 24 hour times.

We were doing some Barvember challenges. Barvember is a website with lots of maths challenges that we have to solve. Each problem had to be solved by using a bar strategy.


In Wordsmith we have been listening to the podcast called “The Ghost Thief”. We wrote down what characters thought about each other. We also were looking for powerful language in the text and created a poster about this.

Health and Wellbeing

We discussed how we could show respect to the community. We also found out about different clubs in the area.

In P.E. we were learning the skills in the Dashing White Sergent in Scottish Country Dancing.

We also had our last week of handball with pupils from Bathgate Academy. We loved playing handball and are very grateful for this chance to work with Bathgate Academy. These skills will hopefully help us in our Handball Tournament on the 13th of December!


We made powerpoints about landscapes in Scotland. We had different groups working on different subjects. We are starting to draw pictures of coastlines, cities, forests, lochs, mountains and rivers.



We were making a secret Christmas craft for the Christmas Fair. You will need to come along to see what it is! The Choir will also be performing there.

We also on skype to Bathgate Academy and 3 primary schools. There were a few sound problems but we were able to discuss the cost of the school day. The pupils from Bathgate Academy will make this into a play which we will be excited to see.


We hope you all have a wonderful weekend.




Try a Little Kindness P5

Good Morning Primary 5!

Kindness Challenges for you today

I know you won’t see as many people as usual today but that will make this challenge more interesting!

I challenge everyone in Primary 5 to do 10 random acts of kindness today.

Remember some of our ideas:

-Hold the door open for someone                                            – Smile at people

-Lay the table for dinner                                                            – Clean your room without being asked

– Do a job for someone without them knowing                     – Compliment someone

-Read a book to someone                                                           – Make a thank you card for someone

-Teach someone something new                                              – Make a homemade gift for someone


I also have uploaded some Winter Olympic Maths Sheets for you to pick between.


Keep yourself safe and warm and have a day full of kindness!!


Mrs Craig


Winter Olympic Maths

Primary 5 Update

Hello Primary 5! I hope you are having a lovely snow day!

Since it is World Book Day I have some more challenges for you!

World Book Day Challenges

Enjoy reading your favourite book today with a lovely hot drink.

Recommend a good book to someone. Maybe even in the comments here!

Make puppets of characters in your book and act out parts of it with people at home.


Since a lot of you enjoy Art, I have some Art Challenges for you as well!

Art Challenges

Imagine a world where something else fell from the sky instead of snow (Cats, sweets, coffee, you decide). Draw or paint what this would look like.

Design the ultimate sledge. Make sure you include lots of detail and label all it’s amazing features.

Go outside and make a snow sculpture. Get a parent to take a picture and upload it to the blog.


I am excited to see all the things you have got up to when we get back!

Have a safe and warm day!

Mrs Craig

P5 Activities for School Closure

Good Morning Primary 5!

As you know the school is closed today because of the weather. So here are some activities for you to complete throughout the day. Just click on the link the says Primary 5 Activities below to access them. We will share and discuss all our work today when we return. If you can share a photo on here of some of your activities, even better!

Keep warm, stay safe and have a lovely day!

Mrs Craig

Primary 5 Activities

Primary 5 Homework

Hi Primary 5

If the school is shut unexpectedly, for example because of extreme weather conditions, then work will be put on the blog for you to complete.

Please comment below with your name to show that you can access the blog and have read this message.

Thank you very much

Mrs Craig

STV Children’s Appeal Live Show

As Murrayfield Primary worked so hard during our bikeability to raise money for the STV Children’s Appeal, we were given a couple of tickets to go along to their LIVE SHOW on Friday. Very exciting!

Two of our House Captains, Lara and Aarin, who worked so hard during our Bikeability Week were picked out a hat as the lucky representatives of our school.

They attended the Live Show at the RBS Conference Centre along with Miss Macrae and myself. We had a wonderful time seeing how some things work for live tv (you need to wait around quite a lot!) and enjoying the different entertainment they provided for us.

Lara and Aarin were able to present the cheque for the entire “Sean Batty Back to School” section of fundraising. He didn’t know how much it was so they had to keep it a surprise!

If you go on STV Player and watch the 9pm STV Children’s Appeal show from Friday, at about 20 minutes in you can see our claim to fame.

Well done Lara and Aarin! You were calm and professional the whole evening, taking everything in your stride and being wonderful representatives of Murrayfield Primary. You should be very proud!

Primary 5 visiting the Woman’s Social Service Club

Primary 5 were learning to play New Age Kurling with the Woman’s Social Service Club at the Community Centre.

First, we got split into 4 teams. There were 4 ladies on each team with our class.

We had to slide the kurling stones towards the mat. We got a number of points depending on what we landed on.

Team 3 were the winners because they had the highest score.

We had a break mid-way through when we were kindly given sweets and water from the ladies.

We were very excited and we loved playing with the ladies.

Thank you very much for having us!


Primary 5 Learning

This week in Primary 5

In our topic we learned about deforestation.

– “If people cut down lots of trees then there will be less oxygen.” Neive

– “People are cutting trees down just for the money” Jack G

-“It is destroying animal’s habitats.” Jay

In maths we have been practising our 3 and 4 times table. We have have also been assessing our work from last term.

-The squares were looking at formal division.

-The triangles were working on time. “If the big hand is pointing at the 9 and the small hand is pointing at the 2 it is quarter to 2” Jack C

-The circles have been learning to divide by 2 and 5.

This week we were writing a report about the rainforest.

-“We need an introduction at the start.” Sasha

-“You need subheadings to tell the reader what each section will be about.” Layla

We also had lots of fun making some spooky spiders for halloween!