All posts by Mrs Stewart

The Bard would be proud!

Congratulations to all our pupils who represented the school at the recent WL Burns’ Federation competition, at St Kentigern’s Academy on the 1st March!

Kirstin Sutherland – P4/5 Poetry
Dean Robertson – P4/5 Poetry
Walker Robertson – P6/7 Poetry
Ellie Chapman – P4/5 Solo Singing
Skyeblue McFarlane – P4/5 Solo Singing
Abbie Heaney – P6/7 Solo Singing
Summer Harkison – P6/7 Solo Singing
Neve McMillan – P4/5 Solo Instrument – Piano
Alyx Bonnes – P6/7 Solo Instrument – Guitar
Sophie Chapman – P6/7 Solo Instrument – Violin

The competition was of a very high standard and all the children performed with confidence and enthusiasm, in front of a very large audience. They each received a certificate in recognition of their participation in the event. In addition, Alyx was runner-up in the P6/7 instrumental section, winning a medal. Sophie and Neve won their respective sections, receiving trophies for their efforts, as well as a place in the National Finals to take place in Edinburgh, in May!
We are so proud of all their efforts, both in preparation for the competition and on the evening.
Well done to you all! 🙂

A choir to be proud of!

Although they came together only a short time ago, the children of the choir have worked hard as a team to learn a fun-filled Christmas programme to raise the Christmas spirit!
This week, they have been really busy;
On Wednesday morning, the children went on our annual outing to Tesco, to give a little Christmas cheer to the shoppers. As a result of their beautiful singing and enthusiasm, they raised the fantastic sum of £119.43 in less than an hour. The children were keen to donate this money to Tesco’s named charities – British Heart Foundation and Diabetes UK. Their generosity and thought for others have made Murrayfield very proud and Tracey, the Tesco Community Champion, was delighted and very appreciative of the donation.
With no time to rest, the choir assembled again on Wednesday evening to welcome friends and family to the Murrayfield Christmas Fair, by singing some Christmas favourites.
After a good night’s sleep, they met on Thursday morning to record some songs for WL social media. Mr Anderson, who filmed them, was very impressed by their enthusiasm and the fun they had when performing. If you haven’t yet seen them in action, you can find them on the WL facebook page and then follow the link.
Next week sees them participating in the school Christmas Concert and then, on Monday 14th December they will join Our Lady of Lourdes P.S. children to entertain the over-50s at their Christmas party at the Cairn Hotel. What an eventful month!

P7/6 Latest News

P7/6 have been working very hard on their ceilidh dancing and their new topic, Japan. We are creating a display for our new topic. P7s went to Bathgate Academy to do a ceilidh with other p7s at other schools (photos to follow). All of the p7s and 6s are doing a community ceilidh. P7/6 have been working extremely hard on character description by using pen and not making as many mistakes. In spelling we are learning our soft C and prefixes. We have also been learning direct speech.
CAB started and three people from p6, p7/6 and p7 are going down to the Mill to raise awareness for CAB.
We’ve been getting to know the new acting Principal Teacher, Ms Taylor, as she has been in class taking lessons and also teaching us basketball, in P.E.
We are learning our weather and seasons in French with Mrs Stewart. The Skillionaire has started up since the new term.
Mrs Stewart asked us about which books and authors we would like for our class to read, so we all shared our ideas. Mrs Stewart gave the list to Ms McCrae and she said she can order some copies of the books!!
Naomi and Abi

P6s and P7s Blackburn Schools’ Christmas sing-a-long

Blackburn Schools’ Christmas Sing-a-along
Friday 19th December, 10.30am
Blackburn Church

We invite you to come and hear us, and share in our celebration of Christmas.
The pupils and staff of P6, P7/6 and P7 are joining with staff and pupils from all schools in Blackburn for our first community Christmas sing-a-long.
With a varied programme, you are sure to hear at least one of your favourite Christmas songs!
Come and enjoy, we look forward to welcoming you all!
Kind Regards,
Pupils of P6, P7/6 and P7, Mrs Anderson, Miss Moir and Mrs Stewart

Stop Press – Murrayfield’s Cold Water Challenge!

Exciting times! (although perhaps not for the teachers) – This Friday at the end of the day, Cole is organising for the teachers to take part in the Cold Water Challenge, with all proceeds going to Cancer Research UK. Anyone who would like to see this ‘splashtacular’ event is asked to donate £1 to our nominated charity. Cole and his team will be collecting donations on Thursday and Friday. Those extremely lucky young people who get to soak the teachers, will also be taking part in this challenge and the teachers will be able to ‘get their revenge’!
Please support this fun, but important event – a once in a lifetime opportunity!

P7/6 – Great first week!

P7/6 have had a great first week , settling into their new class, roles and responsibilities!
After a class vote, we have started reading our class novel, The Hunger Games.
A reminder that PE kits are required for all physical activities – we are lucky enough to be involved in the FUTSAL programme this year, where specialists will be visiting every Monday afternoon, beginning on 1st September.
Every child in the school requires indoor shoes, as all our classrooms are carpeted.
We will bring you regular updates of what we are doing and how we are getting on, so keep checking-in with us.
Have a great week!