Sara Barker-inspired Strangely Fragile Sculptures in P5A and P7

The Second Level pupils in Art have been looking, thinking and wondering about the Glasgow-based young artist called Sara Barker. She creates fragile-looking sculptures from metal and paint that we tried to describe. Her artwork is on display in Edinburgh at the NOW exhibition and there is one work outdoors at Jupiter Artland. The Edinburgh exhibition is free:-) Some saw deconstructed people, butterflies, airplanes, mountains, coastlines and even a coat hanger! We tried making our own structural forms from paper Artstraws and pipecleaners. It was a challenge to make the 3-D structures stable to stand on a plinth or to attach to a wall. Some of them worked collaboratively.

Next week we will add a painted element or use another of our Art skills. I can’t wait to see what direction they will take…

Staffing update and other news/dates

Staffing update and other news

We are pleased to share with you that Mrs Thurlow will join us at Mid Calder Primary School as our Head teacher from Monday 11th June.  Thank you very much to Mrs Brown, Head teacher at Kirknewton Primary, who has been here in the interim.

Mrs Kellner will begin her maternity leave at the start of June.  We wish her well and look forward to her visiting in the new session with baby Kellner.  Mrs Campbell will be leaving us in the summer and will be moving to another school within West Lothian.  We are sure you join with us in wishing Mrs Campbell all the best in her new post and to thank her for all she has contributed to our school.

The children will meet their new teachers on Thursday 7th June and spend some time with them that day.  We will send a Groupcall at the end of that day to let you know class teachers then.  Thank you for your continued support, the Staff Team.

Some dates for your information:

Wednesday 30th May ·         Gala Football Tournament in the evening
Thursday 31st May ·         P1 and P7 Dental Inspections
Saturday 2nd June ·         Mid Calder Gala Day


Wednesday 6th June ·         P6s at Cross Country festival 10am

·         P1 Induction Meeting for parents/carers 6pm

Thursday 7th June ·         School Changeover Day – Meet New Teacher 11am – 12.30pm

·         Pre-school children meet P1 teachers from 11am, parents tea/coffee and chat from 11am.

·         Nursery Dine Together (pre-school children and parents) 12noon – 12.30pm


Monday 11th June ·         Welcome to Mrs Thurlow

·         Sports Day (school) P1 – 3 in the morning and P4-7 in the afternoon (timings to be confirmed)

Tuesday 12th June ·         Rag Bag collection day

·         PSA Meeting 6.30pm

Thursday 14th June ·         P5s theatre trip to see Titanic
Friday 15th June ·         Celebration Assembly 11.10am


Wednesday 20th June ·         Nursery Teddy Bears Picnic: 10 – 11am for morning session and 2 – 3pm for afternoon session
Thursday 21st June ·         P7s Fundraising Fair p.m.
Friday 22nd June ·         10.15am Nursery Leavers Assembly

·         Nursery Open Afternoon for new Nursery pupils  12noon – 1pm



Monday 25th June ·         Nursery Trip
Tuesday 26th June ·         1.30pm P7 Leavers Assembly for parents/carers
Wednesday 27th June ·         Church Service 1.30pm

·         6.30 – 9pm P7 Leavers Party

Thursday 28h June ·         P7 Day out M&Ds
Friday 29th June ·         9am P7 Leavers Assembly for school

·         Holidays begin at 12.30pm

IS Day for staff on Monday 20th August, all resume on Tuesday 21st August.


P6 French vocabulary

P6 have been learning French vocabulary we learned the days of the week and the month. Monday – lundi, Tuesday- mardi, Wednesday- mercredi, Thursday – jeudi, Friday – vendredi, Saturday – samedi and Sunday is dimanche. Those are the days of the week in French. Here are the months January – Janvier, February – Février, May – Mars, April – Avril, May – Mai, June – Juin, July – Juillet, August- Août, September- Septembre, October – Octobre, November- Novembre and December is Décembre. These French words will help us if we ever go on holiday to France and also we can talk in French to our class mates and teachers. Here are some extra words. How are you – Comment allez-vous, What day is it – Quel jour est-il, What time is it – Quelle heure est-il and what is for dinner – Qu’est-ce qu’on mange. We also learned some other words such as can I go to the toilet. Written by Alicia,Iona and Caitlin

Primary 6 visit to West Lothian College

On Tuesday, Primary 6 had a great visit to West Lothian College. We were there to take part in three different activities linking to STEM and the World of Work. In the engineering department, pupils had the chance to see different workshops that students use to learn new skills and complete projects. They then took part in some tasks involving problem solving skills. In the hair and beauty department, pupils learned how to use various products as part of a hand massage. They also learned and practised some new hairdressing techniques.

We all really enjoyed our time there and it gave us a good insight into the work of a college student and how these skills link to jobs for the future.

Digital Learning Week in P2

This week, as part of Digital Learning Week, Primary 2 have been developing their digital skills with a little help from the Technical Troopers. The children were keen to use Scratch Jr to explore coding. The three Technical Troopers from P7 and P6/7 provided lots of help and encouragement, and their great enthusiasm was soon inspiring P2 to try new things.

We also used Puppet Pals 2 to explore animation. First, we had to choose a space themed background, then think about different characters and objects that we could include as part of a simple story. Finally, we added sound effects and words to tell the story. The results were fantastic and we were very impressed by our efforts.

As part of our Moon Mission IDL work,  we also designed rockets on Purple Mash.

Digital Leaders for Digital Learning Week 2018

To celebrate Education Scotland’s National Digital Learning Week, our Technical Troopers have been working extremely hard to make a #digitaldifference in Mid Calder Primary School. They have delivered lessons across all stages of our school, teaching our pupils how to use a range of digital tools to enhance their learning. P3 received a lesson on how to use the Glow tool Forms, while P4 learned how to the Glow tool, Sway. The Technical Troopers helped our Nursery children to develop their positional language by using the Bee-Bots, as well as supporting P1 with creating an animation using Puppet Pals 2. Primary 6 and 7/6 were given a range of coding sites on their Yammer page to explore, while P2 developed their programming skills using Scratch Jr. Primary 5 were shown how to use the different features of iMovie.

The Technical Troopers received lots of positive feedback from both the teachers and the pupils, and they did a fantastic job at sharing their own digital skills confidently to make a #digitaldifference. Check out the video that they scripted and edited to showcase what they got up to:

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