P1-3 Sports Day

Despite a slight Scottish drizzle yesterday morning, P1-3 took to the field and gave it their all in a fantastic Sports Day.  There were a range of activities on offer including football shoot out, welly throwing, obstacle races, hurdles, sack races and lots more. A big thank you to Mark, our Enjoyaball specialist, for organising such a successful and enjoyable Sports Day and thank you to all the parents and families who came along to support the event. Thank you to the PSA for providing ice poles as a refreshment, which we enjoyed despite the wet weather.

A big congratulations to Cunigar who were the overall winners!

Kuksool Masterclass in P5

On Wednesday this week Primary 5A and Primary 5C took advantage of the beautiful weather to go outside get involved in a brand new type of physical activity.

Emme from P5A was the latest pupil from her class to offer a Masterclass in a skill she has been learning. This week it was Kuksool – a traditional Korean martial art. Emme began by organising everyone into groups and teaching us a warm-up game. She then showed us a series of warm-up moves and chants to go along with them. We then practised a variety of  techniques to take our partners to the ground (safely!). Everyone participated very well and got involved. Miss Anderson and Mrs Campbell were particularly impressed by Emme’s organisational skills and her ability to hold the attention of more than 40 children on the field – not an easy task! Very well done, Emme

We had a brilliant session and are looking forward to the next time someone is able to come into school and share their skills with us – watch this space…

Enjoy the sunshine this weekend

Mrs Campbell and Miss Anderson

p6 amazing adverts

P6 made their own toys as you probably know if you read last weeks blog. We made adverts. Our adverts had to be 60 seconds or less you also had to tell how much your toy was and where you can get it from, what it does, how it works, what age is it for, why do you want to buy it. We used the green screen to help us pick backgrounds to go with our product. We also made our product and we used it to it in our advert. We watched the adverts and gave feedback to the toy creators. All the adverts were really good because they gave lots of detail about their prouduct. This is one of the products.

P4 Food Journeys

This week Primary 4 have been exploring food journeys through the context of ‘Field to Fork’. Our first challenge was to watch two short videos about the journey of milk and wheat from farm to shop. As we listened and watched we had to take notes about the different stages of the journey:

Our next challenge was to use our notes to create a PowerPoint to explain the journey of either milk or wheat:

Our final challenge this week was to present our PowerPoint:

P1W 5/6/18 Free Art

P1W were immersed in the freedom of Art outside.

Those with painting togs could choose from all the messy art materials in our new Creative Boxes. Here is what they chose for their expressive arts and mark making:

dripping and spattering paint, mixing paint

collage with found objects

drawing and painting with sticks and stones

If you have any washed bottle tops, fabrics, sellotape, masking tape, large paintbrushes, polystyrene or other items for collage and sculpture such as plasticine they would be much appreciated!

Please can the pupils have painting togs for these lessons…










P6 Toy company

P6 designed their own product and we voted who’s we liked the best and then the people that had the most votes became a boss of their product. People wrote a CV and the bosses read the cvs and picket their favourite ones. The products are the robotic slime maker 3000, fortnite figures, the fidget master, terrific teddies, spectacular squishies. Some of us have started to film an advert and some of us started to build our product. To make our products we used cardboard, Paper, Bubble wrap, News Paper, and paint. Everyone will get a shot  to make their product because they need to include their design in the advert.By Lucy,Alicia,Iona and Caitlin

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