Category Archives: House System

Almondell Party

In Term 3 Almondell won the House Cup. Andi and Keigan decided they would like to plan a party for their house. Andy planned a game of corners, then some refreshments and dancing games. Ellie brouhgt her candy floss machine in and made everyone in the house candy floss.

Well done girls for planning such a fab party and thank you to all the Primary 7s that helped!

House System

At Mid Calder Primary we have 4 houses;   Almondell, Calderwood, Cunigar, and Linhouse.

Each pupil and member of staff are assigned to a house and each house has a Primary Seven House Captain and Vice Captain. Using Class Dojo (an online class points system) pupils can receive house points by demonstrating the school values, displaying positive behaviour and for personal successes. Around the school and in the playground pupils can also receive catch me cards from members of staff which will have one house point, these points are added to their Class Dojo. On a Friday pupils total their points; within each class, each house have a top scorer, the top scorers names are submitted to a house raffle that will happen once a term, the winner for each house will receive a prize. Individual points will also be added to the house points and these totals will be shared at assembly. (Primary Sevens have the responsibility of collecting the house points and top scorers). Each term the winning house can negotiate a reward for their success.